Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

Open nude massage

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I got a 2 hour massage where I was never covered up at any point during the massage. It was great! The heat lamp overhead helped too. LOL I meet a guy at the gym who has been giving massages for over 20 years. He is licensed and very professional. He noticed I was not shy in the locker room and gave me his card. We talked some and he knows I am a nudist with no problems with being nude or with others being nude. So during the massage I was not just nude but he was also. Has anyone else had a good professional massage done by a licensed person that you were never covered and the one giving the massage was nude also?Professional means no happy ending and no problems with client getting a natural normal erection during the massage.

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RE: Open nude massage

Hi! Can you message me their contact info? That sounds perfect.
thanks! Jan

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RE: Open nude massage

I am a qualified masseur in Manchester UK and I always work naked and my clients usually prefer to be naked too. I don't really see the point of wearing clothing which gets in the way and will get covered in oil anyway. If asked I will wear shorts to start sometimes and sometimes the person will start off with some underwear but we always end up naked. Its much better from my view point. As for draping towels around I just don't get that and never do it.

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RE: Open nude massage

Jan, not sure where you are located, but I have a good contact in Arizona if you are looking there. OK with nude, OK with any boundaries, and very professional.

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RE: Open nude massage

I got a 2 hour massage where I was never covered up at any point during the massage. It was great! The heat lamp overhead helped too. LOL I meet a guy at the gym who has been giving massages for over 20 years. He is licensed and very professional. He noticed I was not shy in the locker room and gave me his card. We talked some and he knows I am a nudist with no problems with being nude or with others being nude. So during the massage I was not just nude but he was also. Has anyone else had a good professional massage done by a licensed person that you were never covered and the one giving the massage was nude also?Professional means no happy ending and no problems with client getting a natural normal erection during the massage.Nothing better than two men stripped of all that holds them back from being themselves. I must say though that I had had professional massages that did end happy... Also had them "unhappy" so to speak but never dissatisfied. It's at each persons comfort level. I wait for therapist to make first move regardless. Yes an erection is natural.

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RE: Open nude massage

I received my very first massage (ever) with a professional therapist about five years ago.It was such a great experience.It began in a sauna with a hot, soapy body scrub, then proceeded to his heated table.He had soft massage music playing and candles burning.I was completely uncovered yet felt very comfortable with him.The sound of his voice and the touch of his hands were mesmerizing.It was a totally professional massage and I have been going back to him ever since.Even though it is a two hour drive for me, it is well worth the experience.I feel like I am floating on air while driving home.I continue to go back to him as often as I can.It is ALWAYS a great experience.
Not all of my experiences with massages have been pleasurable.I found one MT closer to my house. I decided to give this person a try.It was a terrible experience. Very creepy atmosphere.Plus, I hurt more when I left than when I arrived.The "MT" was more interested in playing than massaging.I have made sure to tell others in the area to steer clear of him.

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