Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

Photos of giving and receiving Naked Massages

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I enjoy giving and receiving naked massages, whether they are of sensual nature or not, but I just realized that I have no photos of my participating in such activities. I think it is because I am only enjoying the sharing with one other person at a time, and there is no one else there to take the photos! Is this true for others? if so, perhaps we should form threesomes to exchange naked massages and take turns filling the 3 roles of giving, receiving, and photographing the massages, or would this disturb the intimacy of giving/receiving the massages? I'd be willing to try it once and see how it works out!

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RE:Photos of giving and receiving Naked Massages


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RE:Photos of giving and receiving Naked Massages

Sounds great

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