Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

Birmingham UK - Naturist Sensual Massage

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We both do naturist and sensual massage (Wendy does most - wonder why?)
We do sensual authentic massage professionally but are looking for a massage exchange with other couples - perhaps to explore different 'shades' of tantric massage too.
Wendy is a fully trained , qualified and insured therapist.

PS if you have, or have had, cancer then Wendy is also trained in Oncology Massage so PLEASE contact us - massage is still good and important and can help with side effects in safe hands

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RE:Birmingham UK - Naturist Sensual Massage

I have much pain in my neck and shoulders also ankles im north birmingham

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RE:Birmingham UK - Naturist Sensual Massage

Hi I am based in Solihull and love to do massage exchange. I am genuine and have been giving and receiving Massages for around 4 years now.

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RE:Birmingham UK - Naturist Sensual Massage

Hi, I think i shall try the massage while I'm in Vera Playa this year.

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RE:Birmingham UK - Naturist Sensual Massage

yes there are several set up along the beach

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RE:Birmingham UK - Naturist Sensual Massage

yes there are several set up along the beach

I saw at least one outside Natsun, where I will stay this year.

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