Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

It would be nice to also start a thread about experiences instead of just postings for connections.

Starting out explaining about myself. I have received training in. Kriya massage at a local school that is now closed with the passing of the owner. I did not continue long enough to be licensed but am good with massages. The holistic school i went to wa solo thing optional, so in class most were receiving nude, the student giving a massage exchange was clothed though. During class that was the only time I had shorts on. Being a known nudist i was usually teachers demo model as well so would be nude during instruction and then demo session then on to table or shorts on to give.

I took my massage to use on side as a masseur for hire through craigslist. I would only drape the client to their comfort and also would dress to their comfort as well which some repeats enjoyed me working nude on them as well. I loved giving massages this way.

I found a female barber friend who doe yoga instructing and massage as well. We connected and when salon is private I get nude hair cuts, do nude yoga and we do massage swaps. The massages are great, i usually receive first and she does stay clothed while working on me. Afterwards we swap and she strips down and gets on the table and i work on her still nude. I sometimes get up on table with her which is fun with oiled bodies against one another but i do not have sex with her but you can tell our bodies are obviously excited. Every once in a while her sister in law will join us for a four-handed exchange. They each stay clothed while giving, except me and all are nud ewhen on table receiving.

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