Naked Men's Group

This is a group for guys who like to be naked to talk about stuff specific to being male and a nudist. So if you are a man who prefers not to wear clothes feel free to join this group and contribute to a discussion. Any subjects are welcome as long as they're clean. No offence to the ladies but this group is just for us fellas. Cheers

Boners Among Men

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This has, no doubt, already been covered. If that's the case, please forgive the repeat.

Get a bunch of men together and it's fairly likely that someone is going to pop a boner at some point. And, no, it's not guaranteed, but it is likely. However, men do like talking about sex, which frequently leads to boners.

So, here's the question. If you're with a bunch of your male friends and you're all nude, how would you respond if one of them popped a boner? Maybe you'd just totally ignore it -- no big deal -- normal and natural -- would be more surprised if someone didn't pop a boner. Or, , what? How would you/do you respond? If you see a boner, do you have a tendency to pop one yourself? Yawns are contagious -- boners can also be contagious.

What if a guy pops a boner and then sports it around -- calls attention to it? Is that ok or is that crossing a line? If one guy starts calling attention to his boner, do you think that would be likely to cause other guys to pop boners?


Here's my opinion on the subject -- and I recognize that I'm probably way off to one side on this.

I believe boners are normal and natural. They are how male bodies are made. By means of ultrasound, we know that boys have erections and masturbate before they are born. Thus, boners should not be a source of shame or anything to be shocked about. Boners should not cause any affront or alarm. It's just a cock doing what a cock is supposed to do. And I go so far as to say that it shouldn't matter who is there and sees it -- men, women, adults, children, boys, and girls. It's just an erect cock. No one was ever harmed by merely seeing or being in the presence of an erect cock.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

I have been to many gay nudist men retreats, boners are natural and should be admired!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

I agree with Hickguy!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

I do not mind at all!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

After reading the responses here I have no issues with seeing an erection in a social gathering, be it all men or both sexes. I can see where it might become an issue in social gatherings if it is in fact a "social gathering" and a men gets an erection and draws everyone's attention to it by continually playing with himself, or by swinging it in everyone's face (so to speak). If it were to happen in a more private group where the intent is something like a men's play group then that is a whole different story.

I have been in many social situations where men have gotten boners and for the most part it is viewed as very normal and eventually the man's boners eventually become flaccid again, and no one bats an eyelash. As stated by a couple other guys here, I am happy at my age to be able to achieve one. (LOL)

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

I think it's important to be accepting of boners in social nudity. Best not to let it be awkward, and it shouldn't ever cause anyone to be overtly shamed. For some men, it's so easy to get erect that it's difficult not to. I was always scared of social nudism because I was afraid I'd spring a boner. So when I was younger, I kept my nude times to myself. I couldn't get past the fear until I made friends with some guys who encouraged me to get over my shyness and let it show, flaccid or erect. The real moment of change was when I went skinny dipping with a straight buddy. He was erect when he took his clothes off, and mumbled something in embarrassment. I didn't want him to feel bad, and told him I thought it was an awesome cock and that he should be proud, and we ended up laughing together about it. It was a great bonding experience, and there was no way it was going to turn into anything sexual. It was just a boner, one to be proud of. After that, I realized that I had been helping to perpetuate the fear of embarrassment over hardons, and instead I've learned to be laid-back and let it show. If a guy gets all tied up in knots about my boner or anyone else's, I just hope they learn to get over whatever fears they are holding onto. An erection isn't in itself an act of aggression or a sexual invitation. It's just what dicks do sometimes.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

While I do tend to agree with you that erections happen and we shouldn't get upset about them - I think that's coming from the viewpoint of someone that has maybe never been the victim of sexual assault from a male. If you're a woman you might feel your safety in danger. Any time I'm somewhere where I'm naked and feel it coming on I will roll over on my stomach or cover myself for the 30 seconds it takes to go away. I know I don't have the intention of hurting anyone - but don't want to unintentionally make someone feel threatened.

Yeah, I totally understand that. This topic is under the heading "boners among men", so I was writing within that context, but I see that some of the comments have been focused on erections among all ages and sexes. I keep clothes on when there are women or minors around. Among men, though, I hope standards become more relaxed. In a designated clothing-optional area or where the nudism is otherwise mutually by consent, I think shaming a man for a spontaneous erection is itself somewhat abusive, I think. Especially true if it's a younger man. I think most self-identifying nudist men are older because the pressure's off--they're less likely to have an erection in public. I think that's sad for the younger men who are made to feel afraid to participate in social nudism just because they're afraid of being made fun of if they get a stiffy. If it happens to someone you're with, I think it's best to just smile, laugh gently, say "nice one!" or something like that, to say it's OK, that's fine, carry on.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

For me Its very situational. Erections happen and most men have gotten to a certain level of control but they can have a mind of their own. I welcome seeing my fellow nudist naked and if an erection happens so be it. Nice to see sometimes too if not only to see how men differ from flaccid to erect. Now if hes getting creepy in a non sexual situation then thats another matter. I myself have seen a beautiful human in front of me, my mind thought some things and next thing you know my dick has a heart beat of its own and swelling up, even thoughts of grandma wasnt settling him down so I got out of the sauna walked to the cold pool and dealt with it. No problem. Ive also been in a steam room where it seemed that erections were contagious and just on display, no more, no less..nice views and to be honest I think they are contagious!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

I think it's important to be accepting of boners in social nudity. Best not to let it be awkward, and it shouldn't ever cause anyone to be overtly shamed. For some men, it's so easy to get erect that it's difficult not to. I was always scared of social nudism because I was afraid I'd spring a boner. So when I was younger, I kept my nude times to myself. I couldn't get past the fear until I made friends with some guys who encouraged me to get over my shyness and let it show, flaccid or erect. The real moment of change was when I went skinny dipping with a straight buddy. He was erect when he took his clothes off, and mumbled something in embarrassment. I didn't want him to feel bad, and told him I thought it was an awesome cock and that he should be proud, and we ended up laughing together about it. It was a great bonding experience, and there was no way it was going to turn into anything sexual. It was just a boner, one to be proud of. After that, I realized that I had been helping to perpetuate the fear of embarrassment over hardons, and instead I've learned to be laid-back and let it show. If a guy gets all tied up in knots about my boner or anyone else's, I just hope they learn to get over whatever fears they are holding onto. An erection isn't in itself an act of aggression or a sexual invitation. It's just what dicks do sometimes.

Well put and so true!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

I 100% agree with this. An erection can happen to all of us men. The question is how to deal with it. I guess most of us have developed a sense of what is appropriate. So no problem, at all.
And if sb. would not know what to do, I would suggest not to make a big deal of it. It will go away after time

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Boners Among Men

Wish I had some straight friends in the nude and if they have a Bonner tak a picture of it .what a red face ,but dont worry it will go down soon enough

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  • 2 years ago