Naked On Lake Michigan

A group for those nudist who enjoy the beauty of Lake Michigan in their natural state. With miles and miles of pristine shoreline, we all find places to get naked and enjoy the sun and sand. Post your pics, tell of your latest trip, coordinate with other nudist to join you in your favorite spot.

Spoke to lifeguards down the beach. They said they and rangers don't care about the nudists. They said "The nudists aren't hurting anyone, they're out of the way and we got bigger problems to deal with than them!" They know they're at Kemil but said it's a non-issue. So that's amazing and great news!

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RE:Kemil Beach

We need some naked Kemil beach pics posted here!

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RE:Kemil Beach

The wife and I should be at kemil by boat tomorrow around 11am or so

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RE:Kemil Beach

I have to work but the hubby will be at the beach around 1! keep an eye out for him. What color is your boat?

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RE:Kemil Beach

Me and the wife will be out tomorrow (Sunday the 25th) around 11 or so.

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RE:Kemil Beach

I had an appointment canceled on Thursday the 29th so I went out to Kemil for a short visit. Lots of wind off the lake but the flies were pretty bad. It was cloudy Thursday morning but cleared off when I got there and it was beautiful. I basically had the beach to myself. One guy in a thong was laying right on the lake edge but down by the blowouts. He had a great tan.

Hope more trips soon!

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RE:Kemil Beach

Should be there with the wife tomorrow (monday august 2nd) by boat. Prolly around 11 or so

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RE:Kemil Beach

We're going to try to go Tuesday afternoon together. He might be up there tomorrow afternoon. We shall see....

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