Naked On Lake Michigan

A group for those nudist who enjoy the beauty of Lake Michigan in their natural state. With miles and miles of pristine shoreline, we all find places to get naked and enjoy the sun and sand. Post your pics, tell of your latest trip, coordinate with other nudist to join you in your favorite spot.

Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

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There are a number of secluded beaches on the shores of northern Lake Michigan and northern Lake Huron. None of the regulars post the location of the one we go to online so to keep LEO and pervs from ruining it. Was there yesterday afternoon with my wife. A few other nude guys and a couple who was hidden in their dune and wore swimsuits to the water. My guess is they wanted privacy for some nudity. We did not see them at first, but they saw me walking around nude checking the wind for our spot. They did not seem to mind my nudity. Even if they were not into being nude, seeing me helped to set the acceptance of nudity there.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Was this the beach we normally go to or another one? I was curious how many people would be there on the 4th.

I found a new beach yesterday. It is not as nice as the other one, but is still pretty good. We went by boat and I spent most of the afternoon naked there. Another boat did come up late afternoon and anchored closer than I would have liked. They were definitely textile, fortunately the wind kept our bow pointed toward them and I just stayed in the back of the boat. After they left I paddle boarded and walked the beach naked. I think this one is more prone to bugs and flies it is swampy just past the beach area and there is not an area of dunes to tuck into. There are no trails coming in to from the woods, so no surprises of someone popping in from behind you. Any one coming has to walk the beach so you can see them a long ways off. On the far south end you can see a couple homes, but they are about 1 1/2 to 2 miles away . I have no idea how much nude use it gets..... from the lack of people there on a beautiful 4th of July, I am going to guess it gets very little use for anything.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Yes it is.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Saturday spent about three hours on a secluded beach north of Petoskey skinny-dipping and nude. About 400 yards away was the only other person on that stretch of beach. He was nude only to wring out his Speedo. When leaving and walking past him he waved and gave me a big smile.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Tomorrow is looking good for a visit to the beach. Could be the last of the season.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Did you go? I was thinking it was borderline on temp and a bit cool this morning. I had projects I had to do around the home so I didn't get out to the beach. Haven't been there in a few weeks.... curious to how things are out there.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Planning to go today. Warmer than yesterday.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

With mid-70s temps predicted to be here soon, a trip to the secluded beach is eagerly anticipated.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Yesterday was the first visit to the state park on Lake Michigan. Gorgeous weather and a secluded beach was all it took for a few hours of relaxing nudity. Was careful of the sun, as this time of the year it can sneak up on the unprepared and cause a severe burn. Drove nude for 40 minutes each way.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Will be leaving Florida in a few weeks to spend the summer in Northern Michigan (Up North). Looking forward to skinny-dipping at the secluded beach north of Petoskey. As I started doing last summer, will wear a Speedo for the mile walk between the parking lot and the beach. Never got a bad vibe or comment from wearing it. Not sure about wearing a thong, as have not seen any females in the textile portion of the beach in one.

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RE:Northern Lake Michigan and Northern Lake Huron

Today was the first visit to the state park on Lake Michigan. Gorgeous weather and a secluded beach, yet wife and I were the only two enjoying it. Hiked naked about half way back to the car through the forest. Could have been nude the entire hike back and in the parking lot.

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