Naked On Lake Michigan

A group for those nudist who enjoy the beauty of Lake Michigan in their natural state. With miles and miles of pristine shoreline, we all find places to get naked and enjoy the sun and sand. Post your pics, tell of your latest trip, coordinate with other nudist to join you in your favorite spot.

Tell us about your last naked visit to the lake!

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I met my TN friend iCoppertone for some nude sun time on Lake Michigan in downtown Chicago today. A great time and a beautiful day. It was nice to enjoy the time with another naked man.

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RE:Tell us about your last naked visit to the lake!

Another beautiful day near 80 degrees in the Chicagoland area. I got to spend a little bit hiking in the dunes and walking along the shoreline of Lake Michigan in the Indiana dunes. I love this!

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RE:Tell us about your last naked visit to the lake!

Oct . 20 , 2017 . I got to enjoy mid 70's temps. and light cloud cover sunshine at the beach on Lake Michigan here near Saugatuck , MI . Took some photos of me laying out . Walked the shoreline for a bit while naked too . Nice having this warm weather , especially near the Lake . Steve

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RE:Tell us about your last naked visit to the lake!

Great Steve! On these nice days I know there are lots of naked people on the lake! Thanks for posting your nude pic too!!

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RE:Tell us about your last naked visit to the lake!

Oct . 22 , 2017 . Got to the beach today on Lake Michigan for what may be the last time this year . Warm temps in the mid 70's , though the clouds were heavy and kept threatening a chance of rain . Only a few people at the beach because of the constant threat of light to steady rain . Got to walk most of the beach naked before having to put on shorts . Wore just my XL T-shirt to cover me legal , naked underneath . Got to talk to people visiting the beach for the first time near the trailhead beach . Don't know if they could tell I was naked under the shirt , or cared , but maybe they did , and just accepted seeing me and talking to me since I was covered well enough while standing there . Nice .
Rain is forecasted for the next 2 days , then temps are supposed to drop 20 degrees into the 50's and very low 60's . More rain later in the week . Hoping we get an Indian Summer to happen yet in November . Steve

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RE:Tell us about your last naked visit to the lake!

This is so hot. Wish I had been chatting with you at the trailhead and maybe you would have listed your shirt just a little. It would have been fun to walk naked with you.

I'm hoping to find a place to spend some nude time this winter after the weather gets too cold to be naked outdoors.

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