Naked Plans After Lock Down
What are our plans for 2020 after the lock down? Give us your intentions. And, as the year progresses, say how they turned out in practice.
Bucket list
Return to DiscussionsWhat's on your bucket list and how many do you hope to achieve in 2020?
Mine includes: posing nude for an art class; being the only one naked in a textile club or party; Being on TV naked; and working naked.
- 5 years ago
Those are certainly admirable goals. Mine are similar since I too want to participate in an art or maybe even some type of photography class. I also would like to go to the secret nude clubs and participate in the foray. I also plan to get active in a nudist group with regular nude parties to attend. I want to participate in an orgy. And have a quest to sexually explore women of all races and nationalities as well as even meet a hermaphrodite who is outwardly a woman. Any assistance on these goals appreciated. AustinJohn
- 5 years ago
Skinny dip in every ocean off of every continent. Although it will be quick in a couple of them lol.
- 5 years ago
Spend at least half my waking hours nude from May through September.
Drive nude.
Go to a clothing optional resort for an overnight stay, lock all of my clothing in the car except a pair of sandals and stay continuously nude until I leave.
Clean out the garage so I can get my car in it and leave a set of clothes in the car so I can leave and enter the house proper nude.
- 5 years ago
Clean out the garage so I can get my car in it and leave a set of clothes in the car so I can leave and enter the house proper nude.
It's more fun driving nude without any clothes in the car. You could combine it with your clothes-free overnight stay at a resort. Anyhow I heard that you don't have many clothes.
- 5 years ago
Clean out the garage so I can get my car in it and leave a set of clothes in the car so I can leave and enter the house proper nude.It's more fun driving nude without any clothes in the car. You could combine it with your clothes-free overnight stay at a resort. Anyhow I heard that you don't have many clothes.
Probably true, but the US is less tolerant of nudity than the UK and I don't want to get in trouble.
- 5 years ago
I've just heard that I will most probably get to be naked on UK TV (check my opening post). I can't give details yet.
- 5 years ago
I've just heard that I will most probably get to be naked on UK TV (check my opening post). I can't give details yet.
Checked your opening post and saw working naked on it too.
I know you are retired and do many of your chores, etc. nude, so what do you mean by working naked?
- 5 years ago
I've just heard that I will most probably get to be naked on UK TV (check my opening post). I can't give details yet.
Sadly it was cancelled as part of the precautions against the spread of the Corona virus
- 5 years ago
I've just heard that I will most probably get to be naked on UK TV (check my opening post). I can't give details yet.Sadly it was cancelled as part of the precautions against the spread of the Corona virus
How can a TV show spread a virus?
- 5 years ago