Naked Sailing
Ahoy! This is a group for naked sailing enthusiasts and people who love sailing. I hope you'll share some areas that you've been able to sail nude and let others exploree.
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Return to DiscussionsWhy has this group got a picture of naked cycling as its avatar when there are so many suitable naked sailing pictures around.
I submit this as an example.
- 8 years ago
Simple. The admin has not chosen a photo to be this group's Avatar. As a result of the photo that you saw was a default photo provided by I agree we probably need some additional admins and a new group Avatar.
- 8 years ago
Why has this group got a picture of naked cycling as its avatar when there are so many suitable naked sailing pictures around.I submit this as an example.
I like the group picture that is there now, better than the one you submitted.
- 7 years ago
I like the group picture that is there now, better than the one you submitted.
I totally agree
- 7 years ago