Naked Sailing
Ahoy! This is a group for naked sailing enthusiasts and people who love sailing. I hope you'll share some areas that you've been able to sail nude and let others exploree.
dream cruise
Return to Discussionswhere would you like to cruise to.
- 10 years ago
mine is kinda simple and have had it since my early 20's with my first boat, go dump a sailboat in the ICW somewhere near georgia - south carolina line and cruise down lazily to miami - key biscayne than jump down to the keys. than up toward the west coast exploring the 10,000 island and up toward the forgotten coast and probably ending around pencacola. i think a catalina 22 with swing keel would be my choice of boat.
- 10 years ago
I'd love to go from mainland Costa Rica to Isla del Coco, sail down the Pacific coast to the Galapagos and island hop across the South Pacific to New Zealand.
Some day, when I have more money and more time than I know what to do with, I'll make it happen.
- 10 years ago
I would like to work my way from Ft Myers down to Key West. I think a C 22 would do just fine.
i hope to get back to florida before i get to old so i can get a little pocket cruiser to enjoy some coastline cruising, down the gulf side from the big bend to the keys would be a unforgettable cruise. i wish i had done that with my first sailboat back in the early 80's when i had a chance.
- 10 years ago
Key West to Dry Tortugas and back.
- 10 years ago