Naked Seniors!

A group for 50, 60, 70 year olds and above, as well as younger admirers of naked seniors. At our ages you think we'd know better. Running around with no clothes on--we could catch a death of a cold or, even worse, pneumonia! Everyone knows, too, that gravity begins to take over as far as our bodies are concerned--men as well as women suddenly find they need support in places they'd never...

El Paso/las cruces rea

Any couples hosting pool gatherings in the El Paso area

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61 and naked

Glad to be part of this group. Hello everyone.

Glad to join

Long time naturist in Kewdale Western Australia. I'd love to meet others.

Playa Linda beach

Sure hoping they open the beach soon. Hoping to meet some new people when it does.

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Emergency Temporary Shelter in Ft lauderdale

Hello, its been very hard for me to ask for help here but I am askiing for assistance. What would one do if they are on their last nite at a hotel with no more funds to use and are homeless? I am still transitioning since reloctaing back here over a...

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Hello everyone

I'm Irish3865 on hangouts or Aznative3865 on Skype.

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Hello everyone

Hello 55 male Iowa

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Hoping to meet people from Chicao area.

say hi

hey all, late 50s couple from australia..we are friendly and enjoy chat with all