Naked Smokers
For all smoking people who also like to be naked.
First cigarette of the day
Return to DiscussionsOne of life's pleasures, having your morning cigarette, outside, naked.
- 11 years ago
Was up before dawn. Stood naked on my deck, lit my cigarette, and enjoyed the feeling of freedom.
Complete freedom again this morning! Naked, cigarette, and morning wood!
- 9 years ago
Was up before dawn. Stood naked on my deck, lit my cigarette, and enjoyed the feeling of freedom.
Complete freedom again this morning! Naked, cigarette, and morning wood!
Always a good start to your day when you can be naked having that first cigarette of the day. Second cigarette came with my 1st cup of coffe.
- 9 years ago
Early morning, coffee, cigarettes, and sitting naked on my deck. Always a great way to start the day.
- 9 years ago
Early morning, coffee, cigarettes, and sitting naked on my deck. Always a great way to start the day.
Another great start to the day!
- 9 years ago
I never tire of this routine, naked, coffe, and a cigarette. Always a great way to start my day.
- 9 years ago
Sunday morning at the campground. On my deck greeting the day sporting morning wood and my cigarette. Coffee soon.
- 9 years ago
Woke up and came out on my deck. Lit my first cigarette on the day. Inhaled deeply, held it, the exhaled. What an awesome feeling when you are naked. Even better sporting morning wood.
- 9 years ago
Woke up and came out on my deck. Lit my first cigarette on the day. Inhaled deeply, held it, the exhaled. What an awesome feeling when you are naked. Even better sporting morning wood.
Started the my day in the same manner. Nice, warm September morning.
- 8 years ago
Went outside to have my first cigarette of the day. Lit up, inhaled, and left out the smoke. A great feeling when naked! As I stood there, you could feel the coolness of this late September morning. A shiver came over me as finished my cigarette and I retreated into my camper. This means that the days are becoming short for those naked outdoor cigarettes and that the darkness of winter will soon be here.
- 8 years ago
Early morning, coffee, cigarettes, and sitting naked on my deck. Always a great way to start the day.
I never tire of this! One of life's little pleasures for me.
- 8 years ago