Naked Talk
A place for everyone to talk about anything and everything! Post topics from whats going on in the playoffs (Go Steelers) to your nudist lifestyle or even put questions to the group. Nothing is really off limits, just be considerate with your wording. I want everyone to feel free to create new topics, post in threads, and post pics.
How Come????
Return to Discussions- 9 years ago
How come that the majority of the land masses on this planet that are in warm enough areas to be naked all the time, have laws and prohibitions against nudity? Some even prohibit nudity in ones own home. I have wondered about this for many years and thought it would be a good topic for this group, given the name of it.
Most all of the tropical and sub tropical areas don't allow people to be as nature intended, even though it is IDEALclimate for it. It seems like these places would embrace full time nudity as a way to be more comfortable all the time. Not to mention, that most of these places are more of the third world counties where there is less disposable income and more things like washing clothes has to be done manually. More of their income that could be spent on life necessities, have to be spent on clothing, that they don't really need due to a warm favorable climate. There could probably be a better standard of living if they did not have to spend money on clothing and having to wash them as well. Everybody has to be clothed, when there is no good reason for it, given that it is warm enough year round to be nude.
- 9 years ago
I love your point, I really do. Im not trying to start anything here lol, but I cant help it feel like it was because of religion and people saying it was offensive and sinfull. Most governments were at one time bassed on religion or at least partly. I really dont know the answer but it is nonsense, the same as women not being able to be topless in public. Nipples are not sexual organs, but people argue that they can still be used for sex..... Ok well so is our mouths, its a totally rediculous argument for a rediculous law... Sorry for the rant lol
- 9 years ago
If you keep people scared, you can control them better, get more of their resources and feel more power. Clothing accomplishes this and nudity speaks of or reveals truth.
- 9 years ago
Many tribal people go bare breasted, bare butts, and some even with penises hanging free. It was all natural to them, until the Europeans came in.
Those damned Europeans, screwed up those peoples perfect way of life. Now no one can enjoy being nude in the lands most suited climatologically to being that way. What a bitch.
- 8 years ago
I totally agree that poxy religion (ALL OF THEM) have a lot to answer for. I do find it weird though that considering their god wanted them to be naked (yea I've actually read that stupid book)the religious idiots complain about nudism.
- 8 years ago
Mentions of clothing someone were in reference to giving them protection from the elements. There was even a prophet who was ordered by god to be naked for three years to make the point that the people were not as protected as they thought.
But the situation I mentioned in post #1 is that the areas in question do not have elements that the body needs to have extra protections. Nudity could be enjoyed 24/7/365.
- 7 years ago
Clothing protects the body from excessive hot sun and insects as well as the cold. So there can be practical reasons in many different climates. I agree that the colonising Europeans had a lot to answer for by introducing European standards. We even did it in the US where clothing is more like European clothing than that originally worn by Native Americans.
It amuses me that nudity is no longer illegal in Scotland. (The chief of police said there is no need for nude beaches as one can be nude anywhere.) But the cold in the winter and the ever-hungry midges (small mosquitos) in the summer do a good job in sending us for cover.
- 6 years ago
I will grant you that religion is probably culpable. When people get involved everything is skewed. (See Genesis 3) It is also the best and most likely explanation. So religion, specifically Christianity, gets the vitriol (e.g. effall) But reading the Bible shouldn't lead one to believe that nudity is sinful, it's not. If it were, the devout would have to shower about ridiculous.
During ancient times people couldn't go to the store and buy a garment to wear. They probably only had one garment to wear. This is a good illustration of why Mary mistook Jesus for the gardener when she arrived at the empty tomb that first Easter morning. Gardeners being of a lower order of society would usually work nude to save their garments. As mentioned in Lakeman's original post. Matt 24:18 would seem to also speak of this when it says "Neither let him who is in the field return back to take his clothes."
The early church customarily practiced public nude baptism which included three full immersions. #21 here talks about that.
Also the mikveh which is the traditional "baptism" which has a requirement of nudity.
It would seem that the anti-nudity sentiment of the church has crept in as a result of Gnostic heresy.
So to infer that nudity is a result of religious prudent attitudes is to simply be misinformed regarding the freedom found in Christ.
The nudity prohibition is a product of mans shame. Nothing else.
Again, When people get involved everything is skewed.
I had a cop tell me when I was nude on public beach (just before he wrote my citation) that he wouldn't want his wife and kids to be exposed to my nudity. It's just an ingrained shame in society and majority rules.
Simple explanation for why nudity is not allowed in climates where it should be found most practical.
Also, I would mention that recently there was mentioned in the news a tribe who live on North Sentinel Island off the coast of India in the Indian Ocean. Who murdered a young man, a missionary. In the news there was a number of pictures of the tribe on the beach who certainly appeared to be nude. So in some places nudity IS the order of the day.
- 6 years ago
Also, I would mention that recently there was mentioned in the news a tribe who live on North Sentinel Island off the coast of India in the Indian Ocean. Who murdered a young man, a missionary. In the news there was a number of pictures of the tribe on the beach who certainly appeared to be nude. So in some places nudity IS the order of the day.
I read that in several news feeds, and there are a couple of You Tube videos about them, too. They will kill anyone who comes ashore there., like the tourist/missionary recently. They apparently live an idyllic life having been isolated from the rest of the population for at least the last 30,000 years,, maybe more. I got to thinking that most likely everyone going ashore or attempting to, were wearing clothes and thus looked weird to them and they didn't want them there because of it. I then started wondering how they would react to someone coming to them nude like they are. Would they also try to kill that person or be more peaceful and accepting of them? Maybe it is clothing and people who wear it that they are vehemently opposed to.
- 6 years ago
I read that in several news feeds, and there are a couple of You Tube videos about them, too. They will kill anyone who comes ashore there., like the tourist/missionary recently. They apparently live an idyllic life having been isolated from the rest of the population for at least the last 30,000 years,, maybe more. I got to thinking that most likely everyone going ashore or attempting to, were wearing clothes and thus looked weird to them and they didn't want them there because of it. I then started wondering how they would react to someone coming to them nude like they are. Would they also try to kill that person or be more peaceful and accepting of them? Maybe it is clothing and people who wear it that they are vehemently opposed to.
An interesting perspective that honestly had not occurred to me. You may be on to something.
- 6 years ago