Naked Wrestling
Looking for people who would like to wrestle naked for fun nothing heavy
My friend loves me to give him naked scissor holds, with my legs and thighs, round his head, neck, chest and waist.The close naked body to body action that results is very erotic.
Hi all, I just love wrestling and trying to gather people of all races and ages to share interest, experience and possible matches with each other.
looking for 2013 .... and nude models in GERMANY.. - perhaps at wrestling ?? I am living near WUERZBURG - anybody interested ?? Have a nice winter ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Did this the first time back in high school with my best friend and his brother and enjoyed it very much. Was able to enjoy again about a year ago, always looking for people who enjoy this also.
Anyone up for guys to get together and wrestle naked. I am looking for any guys of different shapes ok as long as not too heavy to wrestle with. You must be between 18 and 45. I fthis interests you, I would love to hear from you.