Naked Wrestling
Looking for people who would like to wrestle naked for fun nothing heavy
Sad muscle tear
Return to DiscussionsI had a complete muscle tear in one shoulder, because my opponent didn't know the rules well. I almost lost my arm, they wanted to amputate.... but they were good naked fights.
- 8 months ago
wow hope they aren't taking your arm off for a muscle tear best get a second opinion. I wrestle with my little group all over 50 and were constantly remind each other fun not aggressive as we break easily. hope it heals up soon.
- 8 months ago
bummer I hope they didn't remove your arm I think I'd get a second opinion but tears , sprains at our age are a bitch . our little group were all over 50 and we are constantly reminding each other not so aggressive as were not that young and don't heal so easily. hope you get better and you heal up.
- 8 months ago