Natralist Artists

open to any artists in any field who creates or practice in the nude.

provided there are naturalist artists out there...what is your medium?

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to get us started I am a painter and printmaker.

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RE: provided there are naturalist artists out there...what is your medium?

I am wondering why there are no other naturalist artists out there? There are lots of photographers. Aren't there any artists?

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RE: provided there are naturalist artists out there...what is your medium?

to get us started I am a painter and printmaker.OK, more details then....I paint on location with watercolours and alkyd oils. I love watercolour as a medium because it is such a challenging medium. I no longer paint in oils because the fumes bother me too much. But painting with oils outdoors on location is OK. I switched to alkyd oils to shorten the drying time which makes returning from a plein air session easier witha dry board.
In the studio I use acrylic paints for large canvas works, mainly non-objective works. Not only do I use brushes but also cooking utensils to apply the paint through their patterns.I also us Montana Gold acrylic spray paints but use them only outdoors because of the fumes.Recently I discovered Montana Gold markers with I use with the spry paints. Being a printmaker I utilize stencils when using the spraying technique.
As a printmakerI work incut wood blocks,lino blocks and stencil printing. I have done etching and serigraph in the past. Oh, and a little known process, watercolour printing.

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