Natralist Artists

open to any artists in any field who creates or practice in the nude.

Greetings, Nude Artist Brothers and Sisters

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Greetings, Terrific Group Administrator and Fellow Artists ...It is great to have a new group to bring together other nudity-loving creative friends ... and hope We can Share Our Art Experiences shared in It's Barest and Most True Form.( I just returned from a USA-Virginia Farm-Sitting Commitment and loved roaming the mountains and valleys ... sunning, and drawing and painting, and even photographing the scenery and animals too - Naked, of course ! )Let's hear from You Fellow Nude Artists - OK ?

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RE: Greetings, Nude Artist Brothers and Sisters

So far we are the only I guess I'll share some of my experiences to get the ball rolling...
Every summer I have an open studio to the public. The public visit my studio to see my work.One summer was very hot and no one was aroundso I assemble the outdoor display stands in the nude, put up the sun canopy and hung the art work. That was a fun day.
I have taken my sketch book with me on my nature walks in the summer and sketched interesting trees and burned out tree stumps. I have yet to take my paints with me because where I paint usually will have people. But I hope to find a nice private location with a paintable view I can do while in the nude.
Lastly, I work in my studio nude. That includes everything from painting to the preparation to painting such as cutting 1x2 for stretchers, stretching the canvas, applying the gesso...etc... and all the other studio chores.
SO lets here from other TN artists and what they do and their experiences.

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