Natralist Artists

open to any artists in any field who creates or practice in the nude.

Where All of Us Are With Our Art - Realistic - Abstract - and/or revealing Human

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What is the purpose of your art creations, the process, the end creation , the communication or exhibition, perhaps all three? What is your motivation?

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RE: Where All of Us Are With Our Art - Realistic - Abstract - and/or revealing Human

To get this topic going;I paint on location night scenes and landscapes. It is the excitement of capturing the view before me expressing it as an expressionist that never gets stale. Looking for a new experience of light, topography, natural compositions,nature in at it's best.In the studio I take my love of music, both listening and playing and transform thataudio experienceinto music interpretations on paper and canvas.As well in the studio I take great pleasure in painting non-objective (mistakenly referred to as abstract) works, some times releasing the ideas that came to me during a good nights sleep, other times letting the canvas an paints direct my brush.I love Life Drawing and wish I could have a model in my studio every day. Life drawing challenges the eye, hand, sense of proportion, form and shapes the human body has be it captured in a painting or a few simple lines.For me to create is a major inseparablepart of my life. I have to create with brush, pen or pencil to remain sane and happy. It is just as important as eating, sleeping and breathing.

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