Naturist Christ Life Fellowship

What makes this group any different than others....christian groups,that is...Well,we get to the nitty gritty of Christianity...CHRIST IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY.There is ANOTHER PERSON living in you...... Focus. As a Christian,that happens to be a nudist,where is my focus really.....Is it a nudist,per se, Or a Christian according to church doctrine,or a Christian according to Christ in us....this...

Weekly Bible Teachings

The Devil has been working overtime in attacking our ministry. I have been cut off by Microsoft. Cant access my Hotmail account, OneDrive account, desktop calendar, and all things Microsoft. This happened in august of 2014 and I have filled out the...

Sunday Biblical Teachings and Fellowship

This week's fellowship from April 21, 2024, is now available on our Vimeo and YouTube channels. Vimeo: YouTube: This week we look at a bakers dozen things our Heavenly Father calls us. This is not an exhaustive...

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Hello from Scotland

Hi there and thanks for adding me to the group! I'm Anthony - a 60-something gay naturist and Christian living in SW Scotland. Both of these elements have been important parts of my life for a good many years, and over the past few months, due...

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Naked Christians

Hi Group I am a Christian but I have always been taught by any Christian denomination that nudism is wrong. I definitely enjoy being naked. How do you find being naked not going against what your faith reaches?

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Naked Christians

Hi Group I am a Christian but I have always been taught by any Christian denomination that nudism is wrong. I definitely enjoy being naked. How do you find being naked not going against what your faith reaches?

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Just saying Hi from NY

I have been a nudist for over 27 yrs and love it. Sadly my wife will not join me fully nude. I am 56 she is 70 both of us have been life long Christians we were both raised Catholic but have change denominations a few times over the years. Love to...

Just wanted to say hi

Hello everyone, my Wife Denise and I are Christian nudist from southern Maryland and just wanted to say hi. We are new to this site.

New Friends

Hello all! I'm Luke, 27yo straight guy from Brazil, nudist for 10 years now. I'd like to connect with other straight Christian bros to chat about nudism based on our faith, fully naked the way our Lord created us to be. Feel free to add me...

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Faithful to the Truth by Stephen Lovatt

he's a british catholic gay author who defends same-sex marriage from a traditionalist catholic perspective. this is where you can buy his book:...


To be a Christian naturist is a case of identity.The question is....what identityYour identity is not what you represent,not a church,not a discipline,not a denominational doctrine,but who is the life in you.Identity is not and never what you do,but...