Naturist Christ Life Fellowship

What makes this group any different than others....christian groups,that is...Well,we get to the nitty gritty of Christianity...CHRIST IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY.There is ANOTHER PERSON living in you...... Focus. As a Christian,that happens to be a nudist,where is my focus really.....Is it a nudist,per se, Or a Christian according to church doctrine,or a Christian according to Christ in us....this...

Weekly Bible Teachings

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The Devil has been working overtime in attacking our ministry.

I have been cut off by Microsoft. Cant access my Hotmail account, OneDrive account, desktop calendar, and all things Microsoft. This happened in august of 2014 and I have filled out the appeal form online 8 different times, up until January of this year. To no avail. Not even a response to my submission. Any more I just get Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.

At the same time I was locked out of my Microsoft accounts, my desk top was wiped of over half of my files. So far no one has claimed responsibility for this.

Finaly, my Facebook account was recently suspended. According to Facebook I was sending out spam. The thing is, we didnt do anything different than we have been doing since June 2017. We post links to our Sunday Fellowships on various Christian group sites.

Each week we post our fellowship presentations on Vimeo and YouTube. Facebook has been the main outlet for reaching out to our followers and letting them know. Because of this we will be posting on the other social media sites we belong to.

If anyone knows Mary McAlister or Terry McCoy-Avalon, both in California, let them know what is going on.

God Bless, Rev. Rocky Sanders

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RE:Weekly Bible Teachings

Standing with you in prayer for the LORD's direction and against the adversary. Rom. 8:28, 2 Thess. 5:16

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