Naturist Christ Life Fellowship
What makes this group any different than others....christian groups,that is...Well,we get to the nitty gritty of Christianity...CHRIST IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY.There is ANOTHER PERSON living in you...... Focus. As a Christian,that happens to be a nudist,where is my focus really.....Is it a nudist,per se, Or a Christian according to church doctrine,or a Christian according to Christ in us....this...
On the cross,with our co-death with Christ,we became heirs of the new resurection Christ life mystery.God birthed us by His seed...Christ,and birthed His seed info us..Christ.You see...Gods seed is a life seed,an eternal life seed,and that seed is...
When one looks at the cross of Christ,what do we see?A naked Jew...covered in blood...crowds....our sins paid for...the scribes and Pharisees at the cross,even perhaps the foot of the cross mocking Christ,even Mary weeping and John with her....but...