Netflix Nudes

A group for people who watch series/films on Netflix. Share your favourite series and films!

Stranger Things

Just finished the season 4 finale. What an amazing season finale. What an ending! Goosebumps.

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My tip of the day: The Last Kingdom

The year is 866, and the Great Heathen Army's arrival in Britain is about to redefine the relationship between Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. Following establishment of Danish rule in Jrvk and East Anglia, the show largely focuses on the resistance...

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My tip of the day: Van Helsing

The apocalypse happened 3 years ago. Vanessa van Helsing was in a coma for 3 years. When she wakes up, she discovers she has powers....powers to turn vampires into humans again....It's an action series, but with a lot of emotion. Kinda vaguely...

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Welcome to the group!

Welcome to the group! I'd like to know what you like to watch on Netflix. Is it series or films? What genre? Tell us about it!