New Nudist

For anyone just starting out home alone or whever into nudism that wants to share his or her fears, expeiences, etc. I am also inviting anyone who wants a FRIEND to chat with Clothes or Whatever on the SUBJECT. I was a NewBie Last Year and had a few great friends on Yahoo Chat help me relaxe & got me over my fears. If you want to Yahoo Chat IMme at ChiGuy168 on Yahoo all I ask is that you have a...

My first resort

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I have been wanting to go to a resort for a while now for two reasons. 1. I figure it is a safe place to be nude with no worry about being spotted or arrested like on a hike. And 2 because I felt the beaches I was being watched and judged by looky-lous. A resort is where everyone is there to be nude and it is expected so I wouldnt have to worry anything but enjoying the sunshine.
I had a business trip that took me through Corona ,CA. The weather was about 78 degrees. I thought lets just call Glen Eden Sun Club and see if they would even allow me to visit. So I called. The lady was very nice. I explained that I was an in accompanied married man and would like to tour and spend a few hours at the pool. I was afraid they would reject me because I have read that an unaccompanied married man is sometimes worse than a single man. Bu to decided to just be up front and see what happened. She was very nice and explain d that the tour was required to be done in the nude and was I ok with that? I replied , well that is why I am visiting so why not. I let her know approximately what time I would be there and she said no problem. So I felt very welcomed from the phone call.

I arrived and found visitor parking before a gate. I was nervous because I was not sure what to do. Do I strip in parking lot and show up nude. Do I walk in with my nice work clothes? I chose to walk in clothes and figure they would let me know. In the office everyone was clothed. It was like any other admin office. I said hello and mentioned I called earlier for a tour. She asked if I have been to this resort or any resort and I said no. Hoping that I would not be given any negative treatment. But she said ok and handed me the rules of the resort and explained the nude tour again. I filled out a bunch of info and even provided my Drivers license. Which actually made me feel good that they had this type of knowledge of their members. I was then given a bag with the information provided which proved to be very helpful. She explained that I would be taken to the main pool area where I can disrobe and the gonfor tour. I had an option to disrobe in a bathroom Of that made me more comfortable. I appreciated that option. Then was instructed to wait outside while she found someone to give me a tour.
So I nervously sat outside while they tried to find a male tour guide. It was a while and then a woman in a golf cart greeted me. I think all the men where busy. It was about 75 degrees and I could tell she was wearing nothing but a long shirt. She was very nice and explained she would give me the tour. I followed her in my car to park at the main pool. I noticed a man walking nude and a woman in the smoking area smoking nude. I thought what an amazing utopia.
Once parked she offered for me to dos robe in the nearby bathroom if I wanted. But after all that waiting and being nervous for the nude moment. I just wanted to get it over with. I asked if it was ok if I just stop and throw my clothes in the trunk her. She said sure and that was it. Standing at the trunk of my car nude with this woman I just met. That moment my nerves just went out the window. I was wearing nothing but flip flops and my wedding ring. I was now not the creepy clothes guy but just another nude guy. It felt great.

My tour guide explained that it was a bit cold for her and she would leave her shirt on. I said no problem. So we hoped in the cart and drove around to see the amenities. I told her about my wife and how if I visited it first I could assure her to visit. The place looked great. Saw a few nude people walking down the road. It seemed ther they had plenty to do there. Then we stopped back at the main pool area. We got out and walked through the area. Me nude and her in a shirt. We saw two ladies having a chat at a table. They were both wearing just shirts. She introduced me and I said hello. They were very nice. Walking away I heard one whisper it is nice to see younger people in the lifestyle. I am 41 and dont consider myself young but I took it as a compliment and a sign of acceptance.

I was then told of the rules at the pool. Shown the cafe and then left to enjoy the grounds. I thanked her because at this point I was very comfortable. So I took my bright blue welcome bag that screamed new guy and took a shower in a communal shower area that everyone does before getting in pool. I walked out to the pool area by myself (still nude of course) and sat down in the sun. Closed my eyes and felt the sun on me.

It was 4pm on a Wed afternoon in Nov. There was a lot of older people laying out and it was really quiet. Like a library. This time of year I am told all the snow birds come to stay at the resort. Then the younger crowd visits on the weekends. I was by far the youngest person there. But that is ok. At this point I was very aware of my actions. Dont look in certain directions too long, dont check my phone, but I quickly got bored and was not sure what to do. I felt to self conscious to walk around the property nude. So I just stayed at the pool.

The jacuzzi had some people in it talking and that looked interesting. So I went to the cafe, bought 1 beer and went back to the jacuzzi. Now I walked into the empty cafe (still nude) and went to the counter. A lady (clothes) came out and took my order. It was a new experience for me to order a beer nude. I was then grateful for my welcome bag because when u r nude u have no pockets. Nudist problems, am I right? She said you must me new here. I said yes and I liked the property so far. She was very nice.

I went to the jacuzzi with my newbie bag and my beer and went to the jacuzzi. I said to a couple, can I join you even though there was at least 4 other people in there with them. (It was a big jacuzzi). I also wanted to make sure it was ok I had a beer in the jacuzzi. Remember I am super aware of my actions because I dont want to be able that weird single guy. I said I am new here and is it ok to bring a drink in the pool? The lady of the couple said of course as she held up her tumbler of wine. I thought I would just throw the Im new out there.
We had a great conversation. They are a couple that travel from resort to resort in their retirement. We must have talked for an hour. All during other people came and gone to the jacuzzi. Some even joined in our conversation. I was very comfortable but I do admit I worked very hard at keeping eye contact. In hind sight I actually dont recall the nude bits, just the peoples faces.
It got late and I was going to stick around and have dinner in the cafe at 6pm. But as it got dark and cold people left the pool and I was by myself. But I was determined to stay nude. It was so freeing.
When the sun was down I went to the cafe where people stared to congregate for dinner. Many people had clothes on. I was nude and there was one other man completely nude talking to someone. At that time I decided it was time to leave.
I had a great time and felt surprisingly comfortable. I was welcomed and everyone I did speak to was nice. There was some people in the jacuzzi that clearly wanted to just have their own conversations and I get that.

So I really hope I can make it back. Hopefully my wife can join so I have company. She thought it was a little crazy I went, but I had an opportunity to visit and that you only live once came over me. I am glad I did and will probably come back on a weekend to see the difference. I think because I was just myself and acted genuinely Then other people were comfortable with me and the experience was good. I do want to thank Glen Eden for being so welcoming.

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RE:My first resort

Glad you had a good time at GE. It's our club and we've been members for quite some time. I'm also glad they've relaxed their policies on who can visit. Was a time in the not too distant past where a guy in your flip flops was not allowed to even go pass the office without his wife! I think a lot has to do with the resort's new manager. He's a pretty good guy. Known him for quite some time but we're not friends, yet! :DDD

One thing that bothers me about the clubs/resorts is the amount of clothed people you'll encounter. During this time of year, sure, it's cooler and even down right cold and having something on is a must but even during warm days you'll encounter more clothed or covered people and that's bothersome to me, anyway. " Nude when possible, clothed when practical" has always been our mantra but some take it further than they should, for nudists. I've also not been a fan of different rules for different people. You'll find that at our club and others as well.

One of the things I truly love about GE is that being a Co Op club/resort, so much of the money made goes back into the club in the form of upgrades, improvements and additional amenities. The place continues to grow and prosper and hopefully more people will continue to visit and join. More improvements every time we visit. They got hit pretty hard by the mud and debris from the run off of the hills and mountains after a recent wildfire. I was hoping to go and help out with shovel and wheel barrow but my dad had just died and I was really busy with his estate affairs and couldn't make it.

We visit on weekdays mostly. Weekends are just crazy there. We enjoy the quiet and less of the party atmosphere that seems to take place during the weekends but we have been camping in our RV there during the weekends and it's quite lively. We really enjoyed the American Graffiti Weekend where they had a Car Show and then a dance that night. We'd take our classic car and spend the weekend and have a great time. I enjoyed having frequent visitors to our site to get a closer look at our car, talk about cars and then quickly have conversations about nudity, nudism and our various experiences at different places. Met some really nice people.

We're lucky to only be about a half hour away from GE and you'd think we'd get there more often but we don't and that's because we are really busy and committed to helping our girls with watching our grandkids. When we have the time, the weather's crappy. When the weather's great and we don't have grandkids, we've committed ourselves to other outings with textile friends. The stars don't seem to line up as much as we'd like, for visits to the club. :DDD

Hope you're able to visit again soon!

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RE:My first resort

Thanks. I do plan to visit again in the spring.
Something funny they mentioned is that if I did want to become a member, I would have to get a notarized letter from my wife that she was aware that I attend without her. I kind of chuckled at this but then I thought , it was not a bad idea. I can see how an angry wife or even husband at the front gates would not be fun for anybody. So I get it. I also get the hesitation with males. Unfortunately that is the world we live in and all I can do is be myself and I expect it will work out somehow.
I did get to see the almost finished addl wading pools. It did seem like they were working on it. So that means it just keeps getting better.
Next time I would prefer to have more people there like a car show weeekend. Then I could blend in and be more confident to talk to people. And have something to talk about as well.
So overall a good experience.

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RE:My first resort

Another change from past management policies!

In the past, a married man could NOT become a member unless his wife visited, took a nude tour and they joined together. Didn't matter if she never visited the club ever again, he could still visit alone. I openly chastised the club through their website forum (now closed) and even in person to past managers about this policy. Their argument that "they", the club/resort, could be held responsible for a divorce was absurd and with very little research needed, I found that no nudist club or resort owners, board owners or management personal, that I had spoken with, had ever been dragged into a divorce preceding and blamed or held responsible for a divorce. It was merely an excuse to keep single males out and maintain quotas.

Don't get me wrong, I actually prefer quotas for selfish reasons. My wife dislikes going to the beach for a couple reasons. First, our nude beach is difficult to get to and even tougher going back up to our car in the parking lot. Second, is the amount of single guys that do nothing but cruise back and forth pretending not to gawk but it's so obvious that they are hoping for a glimpse up close. We all know the guys. It's almost comical to see how nudist couples at the beach all seem to huddle close together to project a "strength in numbers" message. If our club, any club or resort, didn't try and maintain some sort of quota, my wife would stop going. If our club began to take on the same demographic and overrun by males, she'd stop going. The main reason I prefer some sort of leaning toward quotas. Nothing personal toward single males or males without participating partners. Personal preference because of my wife.

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RE:My first resort

Olive Dell is the next place I would like to visit. Just got to find a reason to be out in that area and see if they will let me visit.

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RE:My first resort

ODNR is a bit more liberal when it comes to married guys visiting alone. I did for a few years before we joined GE. I actually prefer ODNR to GE. I think the people are friendlier and I don't mind that it's got dirt and gravel roads. It's a very clean resort and it's got far more naked hiking opportunities than GE. I think their caf is open all the time or at least most of the week. We've participated in a few Naked Burro 5K's. It's a very challenging course, according to those runners that do that sort of thing weekend after weekend!

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RE:My first resort

Your first experience sounds similar to mine in many ways! After contemplating for a long time, I went to a camp here in New England for the first time last June. I was extremely nervous as well but, like you, once I was naked like everyone else the nerves went away. It turned out to be one of the most invigorating, relaxing experiences of my life. I became a member on my second visit and just renewed my membership for the upcoming season. The last time I was nude outside was October so I'm really itching for the weather to warm back up. I'm so glad I finally worked up the nerve and gave it a try. It's one of the best decisions I ever made.

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