New Nudist

For anyone just starting out home alone or whever into nudism that wants to share his or her fears, expeiences, etc. I am also inviting anyone who wants a FRIEND to chat with Clothes or Whatever on the SUBJECT. I was a NewBie Last Year and had a few great friends on Yahoo Chat help me relaxe & got me over my fears. If you want to Yahoo Chat IMme at ChiGuy168 on Yahoo all I ask is that you have a...

Where I am at in my journey

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Well. My nudist journey has been going on for a few years now. I have finally settled into how this will work in my relationship. So I thought I would share. I have been hiking. The wife has come with me. (Got caught once) visited some c/o beaches and a few hot springs with her. I had a great time but she wasnt quite diving into it. Then when I wanted to meet other nudists then that was when she got really uncomfortable. And finally I was able to drag out of her what that weird feeling was. At first she said that it just felt weird but ok. But then when I was feeling out her feelings about visiting a nude resort without her, I was able to get how she was really feeling. Now I did visit a resort without her and she said it was ok but I knew better. I knew it didnt settle well with her. She has always supported me and didnt want to say anything to restrict me. But finally she said that the social nudity was turning her off. Well those words got my attention. I dont care what most people think about me accept my wife. And I think that is important in a relationship. So I have decided to not be social in my nude activities. I know this goes against even being on this site but I thought it would be good to share here. Now we hang out nude at home, in jacuzzi, hotel rooms and just about anywhere we are comfortable. So we can still be nude when it is appropriate and comfortable for both of us. So I am happy with that and will respect her feelings. I read on here how many men will want to be who they are no matter what. But that cant end well in a relationship. I think you can find a way to be who you are and still be respectful of someone elses feelings. I feel pretty happy with my decision and I can tell it makes her more comfortable also. Now I still plan to be social here. I enjoy the posts of this community so I am grateful for that. Will continue to look for private places that we can be nude outdoors together and have no one else around so she is comfortable. And as a result, I can be more relaxed in our nude activities as well. I would love to hear anyone elses thoughts or similar experiences.

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RE:Where I am at in my journey

I've never bought into the notion that you HAD to be a social nudist to be a... nudist. We all have our limitations and restrictions and we just live within those perimeters. It is a far, far better thing to enjoy nudism with a loved one alone, and it being somewhat restricted, than to be a social nudist and visit many nude venues and be alone. It also does nothing for the good feeling you have doing this if your significant other is truly uncomfortable with that situation.

I applaud your willingness to curb your nudist activities to include your wife and whatever she's comfortable with. Not every couple embraces nudism completely but it's enough for a couple to enjoy it with limitations. Enjoy what you have together!

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RE:Where I am at in my journey

I guess I'm lucky that even though my wife doesn't want to participate in my nudism, she knows how much I like it and that I am a very social person and love being around others in a nudist setting. Believe me, I would not do any of it if it bothered her . Maybe one day your wife will think differently, maybe she won't. Don't think my wife will but we have talked about getting a little camper and then I could stay at the resort for a longer period of time and not have to eat all my meals in the restaurants but actually be able to keep food cold and cook myself. Kind of hard to do when you are staying in a tent. Even talked about me working from there on occasion. It's all done by phone and email anyway. Of course we would also travel to textile locations as well.

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RE:Where I am at in my journey


I have a question. Does your wife not want to be around naked people, see naked people or just not get naked around naked people... or get naked at all?

Reason I ask; many, many times my wife and I have visited our club and many other clubs and resorts that are clothing optional. We've witnessed and met many women that are not interested in nudism but realize their spouse enjoys it and they attend but do not get undressed. Many of these women just hang out at the campsite/RV site and act as though they are camping at a textile resort. In the evenings, these couples may leave the property and go to dinner, catch a movie, do some sightseeing during the day and break up the exposure to nudity for the spouse that isn't interested.

Wondering if your wife may be willing to do something like that or is she just dead set against the whole nudism/nudity thing.

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RE:Where I am at in my journey

I've never bought into the notion that you HAD to be a social nudist to be a... nudist. We all have our limitations and restrictions and we just live within those perimeters. It is a far, far better thing to enjoy nudism with a loved one alone, and it being somewhat restricted, than to be a social nudist and visit many nude venues and be alone. It also does nothing for the good feeling you have doing this if your significant other is truly uncomfortable with that situation.I applaud your willingness to curb your nudist activities to include your wife and whatever she's comfortable with. Not every couple embraces nudism completely but it's enough for a couple to enjoy it with limitations. Enjoy what you have together!

Thanks. I apreciate the encouraging words. And I see it more of an adjustment when and how I enjoy nudism. Maybe she will come around because after I described my visit to Glen Eden resort, she was actually interested in checking it out But now I am truly not going to push her on it. It is more enjoyable when she is with me. So we can be nude in our jacuzzi and backyard.

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RE:Where I am at in my journey

I guess I'm lucky that even though my wife doesn't want to participate in my nudism, she knows how much I like it and that I am a very social person and love being around others in a nudist setting. Believe me, I would not do any of it if it bothered her . Maybe one day your wife will think differently, maybe she won't. Don't think my wife will but we have talked about getting a little camper and then I could stay at the resort for a longer period of time and not have to eat all my meals in the restaurants but actually be able to keep food cold and cook myself. Kind of hard to do when you are staying in a tent. Even talked about me working from there on occasion. It's all done by phone and email anyway. Of course we would also travel to textile locations as well.

I am a pretty social person as well. And my wife is too when she knows someone. In fact she is the life of the party when she is comfortable. She knows it makes me happy so that is why she had a hard time telling me it bothered her. We have a good size trailer and i was hoping that we could go to a resort together and just hang around the trailer together. That's all I really wanted. I think she will get there someday, but it needs to be on her own timeline. I am sure you know your wife well enough to know if she truly doesn't have a problem with it.
Maybe a trailer will her want to come along. Give her that safe base camp for her to be comfortable.

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RE:Where I am at in my journey

We're members at GE and there are some pretty great RV spots where a non nudist can sit back away from the nude activities and just watch what goes on. I think, as you well know, that many non nudists, reluctant or hesistent spouses have misconceptions about nudist clubs/resorts and being able to be off at a distance, remain clothed and see what goes on, can give them encouragement and enlightenedment to maybe give it a try right there at the RV and then branch out later sometime.

Our best to you!

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RE:Where I am at in my journey

Silversurfer,I have a question. Does your wife not want to be around naked people, see naked people or just not get naked around naked people... or get naked at all?Reason I ask; many, many times my wife and I have visited our club and many other clubs and resorts that are clothing optional. We've witnessed and met many women that are not interested in nudism but realize their spouse enjoys it and they attend but do not get undressed. Many of these women just hang out at the campsite/RV site and act as though they are camping at a textile resort. In the evenings, these couples may leave the property and go to dinner, catch a movie, do some sightseeing during the day and break up the exposure to nudity for the spouse that isn't interested.Wondering if your wife may be willing to do something like that or is she just dead set against the whole nudism/nudity thing.

Andy, All of the above. She isn't a prude and has laid out topless with me in the past like on our honeymoon or in the backyard but it has been a long time since she has. She is just not interested in seeing or being seen by other nudist. If we get a little camper I've joked with her that she'll have to try it. We'll see how that goes.

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