New Nudist
For anyone just starting out home alone or whever into nudism that wants to share his or her fears, expeiences, etc. I am also inviting anyone who wants a FRIEND to chat with Clothes or Whatever on the SUBJECT. I was a NewBie Last Year and had a few great friends on Yahoo Chat help me relaxe & got me over my fears. If you want to Yahoo Chat IMme at ChiGuy168 on Yahoo all I ask is that you have a...
Back Garden privacy
Return to DiscussionsHi all
How are you shielding yourselves from the prying eyes of your neighbours - or are you not bothered.
I'd be interested in seeing your setups as I'm overlooked from the upstairs windows of my immediate neighbours
- 5 years ago
The house we used to live in had a cul-de-sac behind us with 2 story houses. Fortunately the one directly behind us was at an angle and fortunately they had to really try to look down our back yard. We planted a big tree in the middle of the yard which made it perfect for naked coffee on the deck, but we could never venture off of the deck anywhere in the yard. We also added a piece of the white PVC privacy fence on the left side of the deck itself (in addition to the 6' tall privacy fence at the edge of the lot) so that my nosy neighbors wouldn't ever know if we were out there or not.
Our house here has a utility easement behind us that is about 50' wide, running parallel to the street, and both sides are lined with 6' tall privacy fence. We also liked the house because it's a big L shape and the back patio is hidden in the inside corner of the L. There is also 6' tall privacy fence on both sides, and the boards are fairly close together, so as far as I know no one has seen us out there in the nude. My wife also jokes with me because I'll wear shoes and a wide brim hat, and anyone that might see my head moving around the yard will probably assume that I'm just shirtless and wearing a sun hat. :)
Quick fix is privacy fence, and then maybe add some strategically placed, fast growing trees?
My photos show how we were allowed to move the fence 10' further back onto the utility easement when I had some dirt brought into the yard to cure a drainage problem. The other photo is taken from the back patio. No one can see into the yard from the back. The sides are are a tiny bit more exposed, even with the 6' tall privacy fence, but most people have their noses jammed into their phones or they're binge watching some mindless show on Netflix and they aren't working or even looking outside, so I try to not over-think it.
- 5 years ago
Have gone to the neighbours and told them that I am a nudist and due to the outbreak I am currently going to be nude in my garden both were OK with it.
- 5 years ago
My back garden is surrounded by tall trees, planted by myself over 15 years ago. It is well screened. And the gates carry a notice saying "This garden may contain nudity".
- 5 years ago
The 2 story homes are pretty far down from where we live, I'm nude in the backyard all the time. I added an outdoor shower about 3 months ago, went out like 3 weeks ago and was showering, heard a noise looked up and there was a roofer at the house right next door. I waved and finished my shower. After I dried off, I threw the towel over my shoulder and asked him if he did side work LOL, he's already seen me so.. Other than that I do get the occasional roofer at the houses behind me that are like 80 feet away from my back fence...
- 5 years ago
Hi allHow are you shielding yourselves from the prying eyes of your neighbours - or are you not bothered.I'd be interested in seeing your setups as I'm overlooked from the upstairs windows of my immediate neighboursThanks
We are getting ready to move to our cabin in North Carolina. We have a deck on the back that overlooks the foothills of the smokies/blue ridge mountain range. It is pretty private with no one behind us and our neighbors to the right of us can't really see us on the deck but our neighbors to the right of us can possibly see us if they really try. their house is probably 100 ft away and there are trees blocking most of their view so we are planning to get one of those large patio umbrellas that you can put on an angle and that should block their view. either that or get one of those sails that you can get for sun cover.
I believe they have probably seen me nude out there already since whenever he comes over he calls my name before stepping on my front deck to get to the front door.
- 5 years ago
My backyard is surrounded by 2 story houses that all can see into my backyard easily from their upstairs windows. All but one house has small kids. I do have one spot that when I lay down they cannot see me from their houses. The house next to me has a girl that tends to peak over the fence and if she did she would easily see me. So I have moved things around so that if she does look over looking for my youngest to play, she cant see me. I cannot walk around my backyard nude at all. I will be seen. So When I go for my nude time I simply go out and lay in the one spot. If it is dark then yes but to get a tan no.
If I had the money I would install a taller fence making it harder for them to see in my backyard.
- 5 years ago
We do our best with landscaping, walls and fences. For the two story next door, we planted trees and have blocked their view of our backyard completely. The surrounding two story neighbors still have a view of us naked in the backyard but only in certain spots and those spots are diminishing over time. Til then, we don't care and we haven't for over 12 years we've lived here. I think it helps that my wife is out there naked as well. If it were just me, the neighbors would probably think I was some sort of perv. We just live normally as if we had clothes on and I think that's why they don't give us grief.
- 5 years ago