New Nudist
For anyone just starting out home alone or whever into nudism that wants to share his or her fears, expeiences, etc. I am also inviting anyone who wants a FRIEND to chat with Clothes or Whatever on the SUBJECT. I was a NewBie Last Year and had a few great friends on Yahoo Chat help me relaxe & got me over my fears. If you want to Yahoo Chat IMme at ChiGuy168 on Yahoo all I ask is that you have a...
27 year nudist here love to chat and talk
Return to DiscussionsLove to chat and talk with other nudist who are new and help easy them into getting comfortable in the lifestyle. I love it and have enjoyed it for yrs. My wife is not a nudist, but i love to chat with all new or experienced nudist.
- 2 years ago
I also really love to chat with people in this appAnd I'm making full fun in here
My wife is also not a nudist. I have been private only so far. She tolerates my nudity at home even if she finds it weird. I am hoping to go to a resort tomorrow.
- 2 years ago
Hello nudist husband
- a year ago