Newbie Introductions

A group where you can introduce yourself, tell us something about you, and make new friends.

I've been a nudist for 17 years. I'm from Brooklyn. NY. I live in Kissimme, FL but I still have my house in NYC which I visit frequently.
I've always walked around my house nude but my first outdoor experience was at a nude becah in NJ called Sandy Hook and no pun intended but I've been hooked since.
What's unique about me is my personality. I'm never down. I wake up happy and go to bed happy and I try to make sure the people I keep around me are happy too.
Nice to meet you!

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RE: Hi I am Jerry

I usually upbeat too, Jerry. Did you get to Cypress Cove yet since we first communicated? I hope you verify each new member to make sure they too are genuine nudists like you.

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