For fans of the Nood Pontoon to exchange stories and arrange adventures on the bay & gulf. # Things you might want to bring : ice chest, sunscreen, sunglasses,hat, towel, beach blanket, umbrella and chair, snorkel, water shoes, music, floats, snacks. Sorry but no fishing gear or spearguns . Home port is Ft. Morgan Marina, ALABAMA in summer, Fish River in winter.

First Long Cruise

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Two Saturdays ago, I made my first long cruise in my new boat. I took it to the local river for the first time and traveled about 45 miles downstream before turning around to head back. So about 90 miles round trip. I was nekkid for the whole trip except for a short time to go through a lock twice. I now have a better idea of how far a tank of gas will take me before needing to refuel. I did have additional gas cans along just in case it was needed. I Have made longer trips on previous boats on another river years ago. Some of those were 130+ miles. I can now start to plan for longer trips on this boat in the future with additional fuel storage on board.

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RE:First Long Cruise

Sounds like fun. Did you get to ski?

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RE:First Long Cruise

Not being the only one aboard, no.

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