Northern New Jersey Get Togethers

Tired of waiting for the resorts to open or waiting for it to get warm enough to go to Gunnison Beach? The goal of this group is to allow people to get together with others who have the same interests. Maybe you simply want to have a small get together and watch a movie or play Monoply. Hopefully you can find other members of this group who share the same interests.

Be very very quiet?

I live in Plainfield, spend a decent amount of time in Jersey City/NYC. Would love to get together if anyone is still interested/around.

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Pocono Fantasy Photo Art

I am an aspiring Photographer and Graphic Artist. I have always been fascinated by the nude human form, especially the nude female form which is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But my passion is developing fantasy images of fairies,...

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West Essex Area

I would like to find some people who would like to have small gatherings. Lets get together and watch a movie, chat, just simply hang out. I play guitar and bass guitar so getting together and jamming is always an option. My issue is my wife. She...

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Hi from near Toms River

I have generally been to Gunnison Beach about 8 times a year. I never go there on weekends, because of the crowds and the need to get there early in the day. I have also been to Rock Lodge, Camp Goodland, and several other out-of-state nudist...

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Gunnison Beach

According to a Newark Star Ledger article today, Gunnison Beach will be open this year!

any get togethers coming up?

joined the group and didnt see any recent activity. near toms river here also

Ready for a get together

If you are tired of the winter and ready for a get together, then lets figure out how to put one together. Maybe we need a central place we can rent or maybe someone has ideas. If you are interested, lets start sharing ideas!