Nude Around Non Nude Friends

I see a lot of people here mention being nude around non-nudists friends or acquaintances. But it really isn't discussed too much. I wonder if there are folks here whose friends expect them to be nude when invited to their friends house or in a group setting. For instance at a rented cabin for a ski outing or a mountain retreat sort of thing. I'd like to read some stories about this. So...

First topic I hope sets the tone for this group.

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My intent for this group is to foment discussion on being nude around non nudist folks and how accepting they are of your/my/our/ones nudity among them.
There is a gentleman named Peter who's website I ran across a number of years ago who seems to lead a very nude existence. It intrigues me. How does one find acceptance for their proclivity for nudity among others who prefer to remain clothed? The story is told how a nudist went on a ski outing with a group of "textiles" and when they arrived at the cabin where they were staying the nudist said he was going to get more comfortable left the crowd and emerged again nude and remained so throughout the stay when in the cabin. All of his friends being aware of his proclivity for nudity.
How common is this sort of thing?
I have been on weekend outings, and on vacation with folks that were aware of my proclivity for nudity but even then I had to keep my nudity very discrete.
Thats the discussion i'd like to generate. Also, maybe some advice on how to achieve this ideal.

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RE:First topic I hope sets the tone for this group.

I am naked wherever I can.
But I am not a missionary.
With others it is a matter of agreement.
My friends and my family all know that I am a nudist and that I rather not wear clothes in their presence.
Some approve on this and some dont.
I always respect this. And it doesnt matter if this is at my place or their place.

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