Nude Bodybuilders
For lovers of gym and anything related to fitness and bodybuilding...share your pics and dont be shy...lets have out own competition in the nude...
Return to Discussionswith the current global situation now is the time to create a group or groups based on time zones. Find a common program not requiring equipment. I have a great set of HIIT programs, happy to share. Lets get this happening. Based in Sydney Australia
- 5 years ago
Sounds good
- 5 years ago
please add me
- 5 years ago
Cool, would love to join: Andrew Anywhere89
- 5 years ago
would love that. sportkid360
- 5 years ago
Im so down!!!
- 5 years ago
Hey guys, this is a great idea. COVID has gone on so long. my skype is ChrisL8mail and email is
- 4 years ago
Melbourne here, Looking for an avenue to get back into a regular workout routine after some medical treatment. I hope this is something that I can join.
- 4 years ago
its been awhile, and time to make it happen in this new year.. given global time difference, thinking a Sunday weekly session would work out best.
I have created a group called Nude Workout on skype. please message me there with your TN profile name and lets get a regular group going
best for 2021 all
- 4 years ago
I am in
- 4 years ago
I would so love to be able to go and workout nude in a gym and do my weights and all. Such freedom, and would feel so nice
- 4 years ago