Nude Couples South Carolina

talk about nudism as a couple how its changed your life,discuss likes and dislikes ,share the places you have been and photos,sexual content is up to you we are all adults!!!!

Being first timers

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being first timers is hard, when you are not sure who to trust? whats the hardest thing for you?

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RE: Being first timers

I'm not real sure when you live in the bible belt and how everyone judges you for what they belive is wrong. I see nothing wrong with being natural, however i do see the fear it raises when you have pervets on the loose. So to these people maybe we should punish the ones causing the issues instead of making the ones who are not causing a problem suffer.

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RE: Being first timers

Speak with people who have visited where you want to go. I can make recommendations or suggestions as I've been a nudist for well over 40 years (of my 62) and have visited all of the SC and most of the NC ones including the nonlanded clubs.

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