Nude Fishing
This is a group for those that enjoy fishing nude, whether lake, river, bay, or ocean.
Posted this elsewhere but it's perfect for here...
Return to DiscussionsA couple of years ago, I was fishing one afternoon on a large Alabama lake. There was no one around and it was in the 90's. So, I stripped down. It was exhilerating. I had been to a Rock Haven in TN and love it and I was nude any time I could be at home. Well a trip or two later, I'm enjoying my nude fishing excursion when a boat came in the cove. He was to close to grab shorts without letting the person in on my secret. He was heading right at me. Turned out to be the Marine police. Dang. Long/short - he ask to see my license after chatting.... until then he had not realized I was nude! When I asked if I could get my shorts - he realized it and wasn't really happy. I told him that since I was completely alone I didn't think it was a problem and that he hadn't even noticed until he asked me to move... He said he could ticket me for indecent exposure... but wouldn't. He said "Don't get caught again". He didn't say I couldn't do it again - just don't get caught. So, now I keep shorts very near and if a boat looks to be coming in my direction, I slip them on. Unfortunately, MOST days there are too may people on the water.
I wentthe other dayand it was pretty deserted so I enjoyed an hour or two and caught a few nice bass (2.5 - 4lb largemouth). Great day.
- 16 years ago
i had a simular incident a while back when i was fishing the river a boat came around the bend and i did what i usually did and wade a little deeper into the water, the boat continued toward me and now i was wondering if this was the warden but as it came within a few feet it wasn't, just a couple fishing and they stopped to talk but now the water which was cold was colder they finally left after laughing telling me they bet the water was cold. as they sped off i waded out only to see them look back and see me nude and cold, i think they saw my clothes in the boat and were just messing with me.
- 16 years ago