Nude Gardeners

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Springtime is happening downunder

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Growing time actually hasn't stopped here during winter, however now, that spring has sprung downunder, things are bright and colorful again.

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RE: Springtime is happening downunder

Thank goodness - a great excuse to get outside, enjoy some sunshine and nude time - all in the interests of helping the garden grow, naturally.

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RE: Springtime is happening downunder

Seems to have been a very slow start to spring this year which is probably the result of a very very dry winter. Where has the rain gone?aside from wanting to avoid seeing plants I distress despite much watering I really hope for an extra burst on the privacy hedges.

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RE: Springtime is happening downunder

Mulch, Mulch,mulch mulch mulch! Also use old plants to protect young ones, for example my Black Russians are past their productive life but I'm using their vines to protect my Lebanese Cucumbers which I have planted down among their stems.David

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