Nude Gardeners

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Winter draws near

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I keep chimes on every direction of my house. This morning I heard the North facing chimes ringing. Even though we are still in the 90's and just had a few days in the 100 plus degree range, the breeze out of the North is a reminder how close the cooler air is.

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RE: Winter draws near

Which means warmer days ahead for those of us downunder and more nude time outdoors in the garden with spring foliage unjust a few weeks. Sorry if that sounds as though we are not sympathetic for our northern friends.

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RE: Winter draws near

Yes, the leaves are already starting to turn here and the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a "bitingly cold" winter for our neck of the woods.

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RE: Winter draws near

1st October. In England we are nude and doing some gardening, and no this is not masochism the sun is warm on our backs!!

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