Nude Hikers

Any & all Nudists who have & shall enjoy a Nude hike, of any length, along any trail, well trod or self-blazen; whether amidst tall timbers in a rich forest, parallel to caressing waves along a sandy beach, circuitously passing ageless stones in a high desert or wherever the proximate terrain allows for spending several hours hiking Nude & feeling the Freedom of brushing against the Wonders of...

Hiking in the woods

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I've done this a lot but this was one of the most memorable. This particular Friday I waited till the afternoon to go on my weekly hike in the woods b/c my gf Carla wanted to hike with me.
So it was about 1 pm when we got the truck parked in the woods and started our hike. Once we got to where we could barely see the truck I took off my shirt and hung it on a tree limb, Carla looked and asked what I was doing, I told her it was like a bread crum to make it easier to find our way back, she asked about how far do you hike and I told her I usually get around a mile out, she just looked at me and smiled, and we kept on going.
Once we got to the next point to hang something I started to take off my under shirt (I always wore extra clothes hiking so I could go farther) but before I could Carla had taken her shirt off and hung it, then turned to me and smiled and kept on going. Next I hung my undershirt, then her shorts, then mine, know we are down to just our under garments and we are still going.
Now we get to where we can barely see my shorts and Carla wants to turn around, I said we should keep going. Well it took some convincing but I got her to unclasp her bra and hang it so we can keep going. Now it was my turn my last piece of clothing, she asked if I was ready to turn around now and head back yet, I looked at her said nope stripped off my boxers, hung them and stood there totally naked for a second, then kept on going.
Now with my boxers just barely in sight I say to her it's your turn, she takes and hooks her panties with her thumbs and starts to slide them down but she is reluctant to take them off, then I told her we wouldn't be going to much farther because I sure didn't want to get lost. That must have given her a little bit of relief because after that her panties came right off and got hung on a limb.
We kept going about another 50 ft and saw that there was a ledge in front of us, I looked at her and said lets walk the ledge as far as we can then turn around, she agreed, and we started along the ledge. It took us over 3 hrs to get to end of it, and from what we could tell we ended up anywhere from 5 to 6 miles from our clothes.
The view from this cliff was WOW totally awesome, we could see for at least 15 miles. We sat and just took it all in for about 10 or 15 mins then she said she was ready to start back. Well we didn't start back for about for another hr, By the time we started back it was late in the afternoon and the sun was starting to set and it was almost dark when we found Carla's panties, by the time we found the truck we were still missing most of our clothes, because we found out that leaving visual bread crums don't work after it gets dark

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RE:Hiking in the woods

that sounds like a awesome adventure my only concern coming back and discovering someone has made off with yours and your gf clothes . when I go hiking I leave everything in the car but the shorts i have on my shoulder bag and hiking stick , i go commando under my shorts one less thing to keep up with and once on a path i get nude oh and yes i take a compass along been lost a few times.

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RE:Hiking in the woods only concern coming back and discovering someone has made off with yours and your gf clothes.....

We've enjoyed nude hiking for a number of years, we started by carrying shorts and tops in backpacks so we could cover up if we felt we needed to. We told some friends about it and we were soon hiking nude with two other couples on a regular basis. One time when it was just us we decided to just carry a few basics like water and hide our clothes near the start so we had no choice other than be nude. We were concerned that our clothes might be discovered and removed, we carried the car keys with us so we at least could get back into it. Nothing happened, we met nobody and our clothes were still there a couple of hours later and best of all we'd thoroughly enjoyed the freedom to hike as nudists while carrying very little. We did this a few more times before inviting our friends to try it with us, they loved it too. We were always careful to hide our clothes in something like an old bag, something that would not attract much attention, as unfortunately plastic bags are seen in the most remote spots. Over time we got more and more confident in doing this and enjoyed lots of nude and free time in the countryside.

We then joined a couple of organised nudist hiking groups and loved the social side of hiking with other nudists. The groups attitude to meeting others was that they'd cover up if the designated leaders decided it was best to and always doing so near settlement. At the time we knew that it was not illegal to be nude in public in the UK but that the laws were being misinterpreted by many of the public as well as some police. It has since been clarified and it has been fairly well publicised that we can be nude in public, basically provided that we are not acting in an exhibitionist manner. This has opened up the possibilities to hike nude while not needing to carry any clothing or cover-ups. You don't see nude people in built up environments since this happened, aside from events like WNBRs, but its nice to know that we can enjoy life as nudists more freely now.

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RE:Hiking in the woods

When hiking nude I wear suitable footwear and a hat, nothing else. I carry a bag containing my car keys, water and lunch. I also carry a small wrap or minikilt which can be quickly put on when meeting other hikers or going close to houses.

When hiking in the woods I hide any clothing and my car keys in a bush near the start point. Most woods have trees or bushes which I can hide behind if someone comes. One time I hid as a minibus of young ladies approached. I could hear girlish laughter as it went past. I waited until the bus's engine noise faded. Then I stepped out - to cheers! The driver had stopped, turned the engine off and waited for me to emerge.

And there is the two car key challenge. For this I chose a public footpath or bridleway 1 to 2 miles long and running between two roads. Ideally I drive there naked. I hide a set of keys at one end of the path and drive to the other end. Next I lock the remaining set of keys in the car along with any clothing. Now I'm locked out, naked and a long way from home. There is no option but to walk the 1 to 2 miles to the other end of the path, find the duplicate keys and return - and I'm obliged to be naked throughout with no means of covering myself. I do feel less exposed if the path leads through woodland.

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