Nude Hikers

Any & all Nudists who have & shall enjoy a Nude hike, of any length, along any trail, well trod or self-blazen; whether amidst tall timbers in a rich forest, parallel to caressing waves along a sandy beach, circuitously passing ageless stones in a high desert or wherever the proximate terrain allows for spending several hours hiking Nude & feeling the Freedom of brushing against the Wonders of...

Textiles on the Trail

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It seems that encounters with the textile clad on the trails most often range from indifference to curiosity. Has anyone had a really bad encounters or legal issues?

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

I've not had any bad encounters when hiking nude. The most uncomfortable was one afternoon at Tanque Verde Falls in Tucson. I was hiking in the nude area when I came across a textile guy in his twenty's with two big dogs. The dogs were off leash and when the saw me they got real excited, starting barking and running toward me. The guy tried calling the dogs back but they ignored him. I could tell from the dogs body language that they were not aggressive, just overly excited. They ran up to me, didn't jump on me but crowded around and kept barking. Even though I didn't expect them to bite, I was still felling pretty vulnerable with my junk at at their mouth level. The owner kept yelling at the dogs which probably just made them more excited. He ran over, had to grab both dogs collars and drag them away. He looked like he didn't know what to do about seeing an old naked guy on the trail. We never spoke to each other and I went on my way.

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

I could see where that would make for an uncomfortable situation.

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

Theres a secluded beach in South Florida, shared with a popular and beautiful textile beach. The nude portion is way beyond the clothed beach and not widely known as frequented by nudists.
The two easiest ways to get to the nude portion is either walking along the beach from the clothed section or walking from the parking lot, parallel to the beach, on the dirt fire access road. I usually walk the fire road since its an easier walk than on the beach sand. Another benefit of the fire road is once around the first bend Im no longer visible to anyone in the parking lot, only to those further down the road. This is not a road frequented by many people, usually only other nudists visiting the beach. Often, after rounding the bend, I remove my shorts and walk naked the rest of the way.
One time though, while nude, I saw a clothed couple walking towards me, after they had rounded another bend up ahead. They were not dressed like they were coming from the nude beach. They looked like tourists from the Midwest, with inappropriate clothing for the beach. I was in a quandary as what to do. They were 100 yards or so away, they looked to be about 30 years old, and they could clearly see I was naked. It seemed if I put on my shorts I would be admitting I was guilty of something. At the same time, they were walking only a short distance away from other nude people. Maybe they had already seen them.
I decided to remain nude and pretend it was normal. As we passed each other, one of them made a snide comment to the other about what they had just witnessed.

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

years ago while walking a trail nude at a park i came upon two textile women suddenly at a cross road i think we surprised each other, one women was mad at the encounter thinking i was a perv i explained i was a nudist but that didn't seem to help finally her friend spoke up and calmed her down telling her it was no big deal that nudism was common and that she had been to a nude beach. in the end i continued on my way i doubt the angry person mind was changed much but glad her friend was ok with nudist at least she defused the incident. only other incident i was off the trail walking still nude up a service road to the parking lot i knew i was getting close and should dress but i was enjoying my nude day when a bunch of mountain bikers male and females came from the direction i was was walking toward i had to jump out of the way they were going so fast, all i could hear was laughing and a few say " he's naked " as they sped on .

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

I always wonder about the mountain bikers having a GoPro capturing HD footage of their encounter with a nude hiker. No problem if they are cool with it, but if someone decides it should be reported, not so good.I had not thought of that scenario. A couple places I hike have the potential for crossing paths with mountain bikers, and they can come up on you fast. I have always thought about crossing paths with such, but not the GoPro. Another reason to stick to designated wilderness areas, although some of my favorite areas are burning up this fall.

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

i've really never thought about go pro or trail cams while hiking but more cautious about folks with cellphones now days they can all take pictures and that's all the evidence someone who mad at a naked encounter needs . the day i encountered the mountain bikers i had to jump to the side as they were moving quickly not sure they had go pro cameras but as they become more popular i suspect any new encounter they probably will.

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

I hike an isolated trail almost every day. I rarely see anyone but carry my shorts just in case. Normally I can hear them coming and slip on my shorts before they can get close enough to see I was naked. However one time in particular a bicyclist came from behind me. He was going so fast I didn't have time to put on my shorts so just held them in front of me as he passed. He just smiled and nodded. He was cool with it.

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

I've had a similar encounter with a mountain biker. There have been a few other encounters with other hikers that ranged from a smile and thumbs up to a disagreeable look. My wife and I were hiking nude when we came upon a couple rounded an outcropping and took us by surprise. He seemed accepting of our nudity but his gf shot us a look. I was not sure if she didn't think nudity was appropriate (it was a very hot and humid day) or was upset at her bf staring at us.

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

I havent done much nude hiking yet, but one time when I was out in a forested area, I was almost looking forward to meeting someone so I could say, Ill bet you werent expecting to see this kind of bare on the trail! Lol.

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RE:Textiles on the Trail

He seemed accepting of our nudity but his gf shot us a look.

I have found the opposite when hiking nude and meeting other hikers. I'm usually in an all-male group, sometimes alone. On meeting a (clothed) male/female couple I find the lady is quite accepting whereas her man friend objects to our/my nudity. Maybe he sees himself as defending his lady friend.

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