Nude Husbands

This group is for all naked husbands, to share nudity and its experiences.

I am a new naked husband. I am married and have kids. Right now I sleep naked but only do my other naked moments alone. Love to hear your experiences

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RE:Naked husband

Ive been a secret nude husband for many years now (not really secret, the wife knew I would be naked the minute she and my daughter walked out the door). My daughter is off to college in two days though. I told the wife the other day that I felt the only benefit I saw to our child going off to school was that I could now be naked whenever I want. She stared at me for a couple seconds and said go ahead, I dont care if youre naked, I know you like to be. The conversation was in truth longer than that but the ending was in fact verbatim. And that was that. Official nude zone in the span of one conversation. The point is: be honest, be frank, and be open to compromise. Your spouse has rights also and you cant ignore that. She needs to be just as understanding of your rights though and you have to be your own advocate in that respect. Approach the subject with love and ample words of affirmation.

After reading your OP and subsequent responses I get the impression your spouse may be reacting negatively to your nudity and obvious comfort in such a vulnerable state, one that the very idea of scares her, out of jealousy and fear. She may wish, deep down, that she had the courage to do what you are doing. I think that she may need you to reassure her that your desire to be nude is not sexual in nature and doesnt mean you intend to start tom-catting. You need to prove to her that she is the apple of your eye and always will be whether you are naked all day every day and she is never naked. She also needs the reassurance that in no way is your nudity a challenge. Assure her you are not in any way trying to passive aggressively push her to engage in something she is not personally comfortable with. Explain to her how personal and important it is to you and you alone to be nude. Tell her she is ALWAYS welcome to join you but she should never feel obligated, pressured or expected to do so. Remind her that she is the one you chose to be with for the rest of your life and your nudity doesnt change that. Also

Your OP was from some time ago and your situation may have changed drastically, I dont know. I hope that this advice is helpful to anyone who may read this. This approach worked for my wife and I. It truly changed our entire relationship for the better. Im now a happily married nudist husband with minimal but agreed upon ground rules regarding my nudist activities in, and around our home (logical ground rules apply of course and that is where compromise comes in). Me nudist, her not nudist, we happy. Love, trust, respect and compromise are essential. Let those be your litmus test. Good luck, God bless, stay naked my friends!

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