Nude Husbands

This group is for all naked husbands, to share nudity and its experiences.

Nudist with non-understanding wife

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Like all of us in here I am a nudist (wow, news flash)
I love being nude, especially around home.
My wife doesn't understand my need to be nude and sometimes gets angry with me when she catches me nude doing simple household chores, working in my shop, or just sitting watching tv or on my computer.
I'm looking for help!
How do the rest of you handle a wife who simply doesn't understand?
I hate the fact that she won't even discuss it with me and gets mad and me for being natural and who I am!
Please help!

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

New development today!
I was out working in my shop, nude of course, and my wife walks in to discuss something with me, only sticking her head inside the doorway.
She could clearly see that I was nude, left and went out into the joining garage and looked at me thru the window (my shop is in the back of our garage with a window between) shaking a fist at me. I continued working on what I was doing for a little while.
A few minutes later I had a question for her so I went into the house, wearing jeans and a shirt, to try to save any argument about it.
Well, being dressed didn't help matters, she blew off steam, telling me this was my very last warning if she caught me naked in my shop ever again she would file for divorce.
What to do?
Being unsure I went back to my shop, contemplated the matter for a while and went back to work on my project.
Well, needless to say she hasn't said much to me for the rest of the day, when she's mad I get the silent treatment.
I continued to work in my shop all day and yes I was nude, in and out of the house a few times, however she didn't see me again.
What am I to to???

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

Amateur counselor here. What do you love most. Your wife or your naturist ways.

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

New development today!I was out working in my shop, nude of course, and my wife walks in to discuss something with me, only sticking her head inside the doorway.She could clearly see that I was nude, left and went out into the joining garage and looked at me thru the window (my shop is in the back of our garage with a window between) shaking a fist at me. I continued working on what I was doing for a little while.A few minutes later I had a question for her so I went into the house, wearing jeans and a shirt, to try to save any argument about it.Well, being dressed didn't help matters, she blew off steam, telling me this was my very last warning if she caught me naked in my shop ever again she would file for divorce.What to do?Being unsure I went back to my shop, contemplated the matter for a while and went back to work on my project.Well, needless to say she hasn't said much to me for the rest of the day, when she's mad I get the silent treatment.I continued to work in my shop all day and yes I was nude, in and out of the house a few times, however she didn't see me again.What am I to to???
My situation was quite similar to yours, that was 6 years ago and I'm nude every day now with no issues.
It started when I decided I just enjoyed being nude. I started by enjoying my morning coffee and reading, staying naked the whole time. When she asked me why, I just told her "because I can"!
On my days off, I stayed nude even longer until my shower and sometimes continued after.
She would get angry sometimes and ask me to put clothes on. I would respond, "why, I'm comfortable like this." It went on like that for months until she finally relented to the new me.
So here is my advise: Next time she takes issue with your nudity, ask her why! But ask her to make a list of all the reasons she is against your nudity and then sit down and discuss the list. Have your own list of why you like being nude. Hold your ground about why you enjoy the comfort of being clothes free and why it should be a non issue in your own home. You may have to both evaluate the first conversation, then have another after the lists have been considered. Her answers may surprise you! Do your homework, prior to the next discussion.
"Because I Can" became my mantra. Be free to be me!
Be true to yourself! The big question here is why she would be willing to divorce you over seeing you nude, I think there may be a lot more here that warrants an in-depth conversation! Feel free to PM me if you like. I don't mind! Communication is key to a relationship, or you have relationshit!

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

"Because I Can" became my mantra. Be free to be me! Be true to yourself! The big question here is why she would be willing to divorce you over seeing you nude, I think there may be a lot more here that warrants an in-depth conversation! Communication is key to a relationship, or you have relationshit!

FreeLee is a wise man and I suggest you take his advice to heart. And I like his word relationshit whether he came up with that himself or not!

My exwife became deeply unhappy with me, with what I did, with what I didn't do. After years of stress and striving, I figured out I couldn't change it. She threatened divorce so many times that I told if you want to walk, then walk, and she did. It's certainly not my advice to you. People change. In her case, her mental health shifted; she had become bipolar and was projecting it on me.

Nudity represents sexuality to many and authenticity to me. Controlling a spouse's nudity may be an outward way to control what's troubling us inwardly. The lack of control we feel about our spouse is often a projection of the lack of control we feel in ourselves.

My gut feeling based on my experience: your naked body is a reflection of your wife's naked self that she doesn't want to see in the mirror. Compassion, empathy, boundaries and self-care are all called for. Good luck.

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

Hi, Australian home nudist. Always naked at home, even been known to delay going out as it means I have to get dressed. I have been improving my fences to be more private so can be nude in my back yard now. Currently in the process of installing a spa pool which of course will be clothes free. Looking forward to completing that project. Unfortunately my wife isnt into nudity around the home, but she puts up with me. However if I so happen to be still dressed at times shell comment as to why that is. I love my patio off my lounge, I eat breakfast outside, cook BBQ, smoke meats, have a beer, play with my dogs, all nude.

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

Oooh wow, I have been there and done that with my wife Regarding my nudity. For years shes gotten mad, told me to dress or screamed at me. Well, fast forward to 3 months ago. We have a high privacy fence in our backyard and I was doing some small chores nude in the yard when she said why am I naked. All o said was I enjoy it and we have a private yard so whats the big deal? We talked for about 20 minutes and she finally consented and said just be cyans DO NOT go in front or side yard. She finally admitted and account am a nudist and actually called me a nudist. Great breakthrough and I have been naked mowing and other chores in bay and most all the time in the house. She will not join in, butt now accepting my nakedness. FINALLY!!!

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

Oooh wow, I have been there and done that with my wife Regarding my nudity. For years shes gotten mad, told me to dress or screamed at me. Well, fast forward to 3 months ago. We have a high privacy fence in our backyard and I was doing some small chores nude in the yard when she said why am I naked. All o said was I enjoy it and we have a private yard so whats the big deal? We talked for about 20 minutes and she finally consented and said just be careful,DO NOT go in front or side yard. She finally admitted and account am a nudist and actually called me a nudist. Great breakthrough and I have been naked mowing and other chores in bay and most all the time in the house. She will not join in, butt now accepting my nakedness. FINALLY!!!

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

much same here love being naked any chance i get

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RE:Nudist with non-understanding wife

Hi, Australian home nudist. Always naked at home, even been known to delay going out as it means I have to get dressed. I have been improving my fences to be more private so can be nude in my back yard now. Currently in the process of installing a spa pool which of course will be clothes free. Looking forward to completing that project. Unfortunately my wife isnt into nudity around the home, but she puts up with me. However if I so happen to be still dressed at times shell comment as to why that is. I love my patio off my lounge, I eat breakfast outside, cook BBQ, smoke meats, have a beer, play with my dogs, all nude.

Same here. My wife is accepting of my being nude at home even though she rarely is. If I come home and don't strip shortly thereafter, she will ask if I am going out again soon.
Now if I could convince her that it is OK for me to be nude in the car!

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