Nude In Public

Getting nude in public seems to be getting more and more. What are your views on this. Also have you ever tried it out.

Define Nude in Public

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What is intended by this group? Is it to explain our experiences doing this?

The old CO beach I used to go to had the boundaries changed and shifted about 1km further along he coast. I still go to the old part, get nude and wander the beach, swim and lay in the sun. Does that qualify?

Or is the group aimed at experiences of walking nude in the street or things like that?

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RE:Define Nude in Public

Hmmmm... no replies! For us, Nude in Public means, just that, nude in public. At a beach primarily. A club or resort is for members, guests and first timers and not open to the public. We used to spend lots of time at nude beaches where the nude section was adjacent to the clothed portion. Many of those on the clothed section would wonder down to the nude section to have a look. 98% or more would act like children and giggle and point but then walk the entire length of the nude section before returning to their side.

I/we have been nude in what would be considered public, campgrounds, state parks, Nat'l Parks and have been seen by others. On two occasions, I was seen and approached by two rangers, one male and one female. They did not have an issue with me being nude. One visit, recently, my wife and I visited a Nat'l Park and she got nude with me. A few cars drove by, honked and waved.

I've gone to the mailbox completely nude very late or very early in the evening/morning. There was really no one out or around. Though technically "in public", no public was around or even awake, as far as I knew. I've pumped gas at a gas station twice while nude. Once was on purpose to see if I could do it. The other time was not on purpose. The time on purpose, there was only one other person at the station and she was way on the other side of the station at another pump. The time not on purpose, I forgot to put the clothes I was taking into my truck. I got to my destination, realized I needed some things from the hardware store and was going to head over when I realized, I forgot the clothes. I had to return home but my truck dinged and I needed fuel. I had to stop at a very busy gas station. That was tricky.

We've hiked in state parks and come across other hikers that were dressed. We didn't have any issues. Most times, I think they ask themselves, why two people our age would want to be seen naked. We don't WANT to be seen but if we are, so what. We are not doing anything wrong in places where it is possible and likely you will encounter nude hikers, as it was on those trails.

Twice, I guess we were nude in public at our club. The club sponsored a Car Show. We owned a classic car and took it and showed it at this event. The event was held by an outside car club. Many of them brought their cars to show. They remained clothed but probably a dozen nudists brought their cars to show and we all remained naked by our cars. So there were a fair amount of people from the public that attended and we were amongst them but they were actually inside the gates of our club.

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