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Suggested Etiquette When Getting Together For A Massage Trade/Exchange

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Hello All,
This is something I posted in another Massage group and thought it would be appropriate here. Just wanted to make some suggestions to the group for when members get together with other massage enthusiasts for an exchange. Because of confusion in another group, I want to stress that these are suggestions for a fun massage trade/exchange and not guidelines for paid massage services. Let me first say that I've done both hosting and traveling(I prefer trading/exchanging with other LMTs).

]] If you're hosting, make the place warm enough for you and the guest, especially if you both decide to be nude, and offer water or other soft drink before, as well as after the session.
]] Indicate if you'll be doing the massage on a table or a bed so the guest can mentaly prepare.
]] If traveling, don't put everything on the host; offer to bring oil/lotion or a (clean) flat sheet for the massage to be done on, your own towel, or maybe even offer to bring beverages or snacks/munchies to be shared.
]] Additionally, whether you're hosting or traveling, it's a good idea to follow the 'shower within an hour' guideline before meeting, rather than connecting right after work or play.
]] Don't take liberties unless you've checked in with the other person first; don't think it's okay to reach and grab the person giving you the massage while you're laying on the table, nor grope, kiss, or masturbate the person you're massaging on the table. It can be startling and we may not like it! ALWAYS GET PERMISSION FIRST, THEN FOLLOW AND/OR RESPECT THE OTHER PERSONS RESPONSE!!!

Just try to be considerate and think of how you'd want things to go if you're on the other side of the exchange. I've even brought music CD's to play during the massage when I've traveled to do an exchange. These are a few suggestions off the top of my head. Feel free to add to this if you can think of other considerations to make the experience mutually enjoyable!

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RE:Suggested Etiquette When Getting Together For A Massage Trade/Exchange

Great advice, thanks for adding this post

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RE:Suggested Etiquette When Getting Together For A Massage Trade/Exchange

Great advice, thanks for adding this post

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