Nude Mens Health

A group to discuss, share resources and exchange information related to mens health (physical health and mental health).

Any uncut bros solve a problem? Does such an item or device exist to keep things retracted when flaccid so as to not have need to manually roll back continuously?

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Any uncut bros solve a problem? Does such an item or device exist to keep things retracted when flaccid so as to not have need to manually roll back continuously?

Yes! There one thing you can do to take care of that issue. Go get circumcised, you will not be disappointed.

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Any uncut bros solve a problem? Does such an item or device exist to keep things retracted when flaccid so as to not have need to manually roll back continuously?

Yes! There one thing you can do to take care of that issue. Go get circumcised, you will not be disappointed.

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I've used glans rings before and it does keep it back. Particularly ones that are thicker works well. I've used metal and silicone ones, the metal ones work better and look better.

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I don't think you should mutilate yourself by being cut - that's pretty awful and has a lot of drawbacks apart from the medical risk, you should rather use a glans ring

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I don't think you should mutilate yourself by being cut - that's pretty awful and has a lot of drawbacks apart from the medical risk, you should rather use a glans ring

What man with a twisted mind want to walk around with a dog dick. There are is NO risk in getting circumcised - it's just a few stitches. The pro outweigh the cons by a lot. It's cleaner (no disgusting cheese or smell ) reduces the risk of STDs, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. And it looks so f***king hot. GO GET CIRCUMCISED! ONCE YOU HAVE IT DONE YOU WILL ASK YOURSELF WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG.

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Ass Hat!!

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Any uncut bros solve a problem? Does such an item or device exist to keep things retracted when flaccid so as to not have need to manually roll back continuously?

Circumcision is the way to go. This is a link to a group of men who have been circumcised as adults and their testimony to it.

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Connorckern, I notice in one of your pictures you have a small bump on your nose. I highly recommend you have your nose removed. I also see what looks like a small hangnail on one of your fingers. Amputation of that finger is the ONLY way to save your hand. On one picture there appears to be a small brown spot on your ass. More than likely that's melanoma. Please go straight to the hospital and have your right ass cheek removed. Hey, it's YOUR foreskin. Do what you want but remember, having an intact "dog dick" is natural.

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Hey bro - the 1950s called, they want their antiquated and uninformed views back.

The idea of circumcision has nothing to do with medicine or hygiene. Much like female mutilation, it was started for purely puritanical reasons.

i.e. a buzzkill

Please dont listen to this person. Just his immature arguments for not having foreskin should tell you how ill informed he is.

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your foreskin is there to protect your glans. It also is full of please nerves. I hope you reconsider pulling your skin back all the time.
Sincerely, Jock

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