Nude Parties

This group is for Nudists that loves to party in the nude. Braai (BBQ), skinny dips, playing games, outdoors, indoors, dance parties, etc. :) So all you nude party animals - Have a fantastic nude party next time !!! Here you can meet other nudists that loves nude parties just like yourself.

Nude Party On Board the Ship

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I'm Asif, a Seaman.
Nude Party? Well, it's a very common matter on board the ship for Seamans. A lots of nude party I've attended. Actually not ''Nudist'' party. let me explain you. I stay 8 months on board the ship, and rest 4 months in Asia where nudism forbidden. Before a long voyage, before leaving the port, a HUGE party occurs on board cargo ships, it's a Seafarer's tradition. This party is usually called the 'Bon Voyage' Party. After that, in every ports ship party occurs on board. Also occurs in deep oceans, if the weather is good and if the sea is calm.
The ships I've worked in, only Russians or Chinese or Filipino crews. But Russians are Awesome! In every party we enjoy a lot. Booze, babes (when in ports) and of course DANCING! After having 3-4 pegs of RAW Brandy inside, everybody gets Nerd! Everybody gets naked, even if they have no idea about 'Nudism'. Mainly Nude dancing occurs. Also we used to walk naked on the front deck and poop deck, the feelings were amazing! No different between officers and crews in party time, everybody naked, everybody over-dosed, everybody enjoying music and dancing! The next day we generally have a day-off, after party night.
But I can still remember my last year party, where I was completely naked from the beginning with fellow Russian Seaman Brothers, and we all got over-boozed. Because we had no tension, next day we obviously going to enjoy a day-off. So enjoy as much as you can! Electric engineer and Chief Cook and I finished one big bottle of Scotch ourselves, Raw Scotch! ! ! Alas, we couldn't even know what is going to happen in the next day!
I went my 3rd deck cabin in 4 am, morning, after ending a Fantastic Nude party night! Still I was naked! I fall in sleep, naked. Suddenly, at 9 am, Chief engineer called me in his cabin. I was fully drunk and irritated because I couldn't have my sleep well. I just somehow wore my uniform and reported Chief. Chief was saying, ''Asif, run immediately to the front deck! Our hydraulic oil pipe line is leaking oil! Go fix it Asif! Hey are you listening 4th?''
I just replied somehow, ''yes Sir!'', then went to front-deck for Ark welding and fixing the stupid pipeline. I was thinking how will I keep my head straight, because I was feeling so sleepy! I became so much annoyed and I was feeling disappointed. I went to front deck. Suddenly 7-8 crew members came out from under the hatch, and shouted to me, ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASIF''!!!
Ohh my God! I forgot it was my birthday after party-night. I became so much happy! My headache and bad feelings went away! Then we again started drinking (this time only beers), thrown off clothes and got naked again, in front deck, in nature! This one is the most memorable party in my entire life!
Hey guys now I have no Ship party photos, right now I'm not on board the ship. Now I am a farmer. So enjoy seeing my farm photos!

I cannot even think about wearing clothes in nature, especially in my area!

and I hate wearing clothes in nature. just like my nudist cow friend here

I grow whatever my I want

my paddy field.

I was expecting a train

with one of my 'nudist' goat friends, who always want to ruin my paddy lands, by eating my crops.

My land, my territory. i do whatever I want.

roaming in my vast paddy land

I'm a proud farmer

a farmer babe taking my fotos

all my paddy lands.

I'm a farmer who works naked in his fields, so ''SUNBATHING'' occurs automatically. Just relaxing after swimming.

in my river

in my river

Had a sweet dream one, to cultivate jute. mission failed. But still happy.

on the village road

with my car

with my car

Driving naked is what I really love! You should try it sometimes!

Don't look at me, the farmer, look at his vegetable land!

Don't look at me, the farmer, look at his vegetable land!

in a neighbor's land, who call himself a farmer, couldn't grow anything but grass.

in a neighbor's land, who call himself a farmer, couldn't grow anything but grass.

in a neighbor's land, who call himself a farmer, couldn't grow anything but grass.

in my house

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