Nude Photography On The Gold Coast

Nude Photography. For nudists who like taking photos and who like being nude model. For beginners and experts. No experience necessary.

Hi all, Im a photographer in Brisbane. I run and own my own photographic studio.
I come from a photographic background. From high-school photography to digital media integration.
I've work and built my photography business since 2005 after graduating.
My genuine interest is in black and white portrait photography. Over the years of being a home
nudist, I am interested in artistic nudes. I've work with many female and male during my course with
life drawings, painting, lighting, etc.
This is just a quick post to introduce myself.
I'm looking to work with people who "genuinely see my work as art" and not something else.
Thanks :)

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RE: quick intro

I would love to do a nude photo shoot - contact me if you are interested.

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RE: quick intro

interesting, pls count me in

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RE: quick intro

I would love to model nude for someone

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RE: quick intro

I would love to model nude for someone

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RE: quick intro

I would love to model nude for someone

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