Nude Runners And Walkers

This group is for any runners and walkers who like to be in the nude.

Not excited for the cold weather this year. I have been running naked all summer. I have come to really enjoy and love it. I can count on one hand how many times I have worn clothes on my runs this summer and not even sure what Im going to do when the cold hits. I enjoy my freedom running nude. I know I will get use to it and have run with clothes for many years so I know life is not over lol but Im not ready lol.

Whats your favorite nude winter hobby?

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RE:Running Naked

Those are extremes. Well Ill be about 50ish when my kiddos are all moved out. My wife and I enjoy going to visit venues, theatres and other outings that would for sure require clothes. I think for us it maybe more practical to find a more secluded piece of property to put a house on where I dont have to worry about others seeing us nude. Then when we want to visit a resort we can and when we want to visit a textile place we can.I personally enjoy shopping for my own groceries so I dont think I could pay someone all the time to buy my stuff for me.

I'm with you on that one. While living in a clothing optional community would appeal to me if my wife was willing, I would want to be active in the outside community. I attend church regularly and am involved in church activities, and play in community bands. Tricky thing about l would be explaining to people in those groups where I live!I also I also prefer to do my own grocery shopping, However, since Covid, I do a lot of my other shopping on line. Nothing like buying necessary clothing when you aren't wearing any!

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Yes I agree. I enjoy being part of the community. Just dont like wearing clothes 99% of the time lol it will be a battle but I know once the kiddos are older visiting a resort will be easier and more practicable.

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RE:Running Naked

Yes I agree. I enjoy being part of the community. Just dont like wearing clothes 99% of the time lol it will be a battle but I know once the kiddos are older visiting a resort will be easier and more practicable.

I thought that you wore clothes no more than 50% of the time now!

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RE:Running Naked

I would say that Im nude from the time I walk into my house until I have to go out to do anything. My backyard is visible to neighbors and I believe they have all seen me nude. So far no one has turned me in so I feel pretty safe being nude at home, outside. When I do have to go out front, Im either in a loose pair of shorts or nude. Not much to do in the front except water plants and that doesnt take long. Oh, I also wash vehicles and work on them in the driveway, mostly in the nude. Like changing the oil or brake pads, thats always in the nude.
Curious Arnude, do you and your wife practice nudity in front of your kids? They say if a family practices nudity as a whole, it builds self esteem and positive body image for all. Just wondering.

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My wife is nude sometimes but I am nude most times. We try to instill a body positive mindset for our kids.

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Thats really great! Its good that body positivity be promoted in families more than ever now. Too many other harmful agendas in school and society today. Have your kids been receptive to the positive upbringing? Im sure they will be future leaders and life changers. Kudos to you and your wife for this!!

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RE:Running Naked

Appreciate it. Kids are naturally nudists. They understand that clothes are not normal to humans and they want to naturally be naked doing whatever they want especially playing outside when its hot. So yes they are receptive as they get older its hard to help them separate it and know when its ok to be nude and whens its not ok.

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