Nude Science

This group is for scientific discussions among us. Surely some of us are interested in scientific happenings. This includes all scientific fields, from astrophysics to the social sciences.

Not a scholar !

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Hi ! I'm John Q. Public....who nonetheless has an interest in these matters (and anti-matters). The general public needs to be included in the latest discoveries of quantum physics, cosmology, etc., or they will otherwisefrequently settle forRELIGION as a delusional "safe harbor" to serveas an "explanation" for the mere fact that they even exist, in an otherwise unfathomable, inexplicable Universe (or the case may.... or may not..... be !).Of course, the general public is usually more concerned with who is winning the highly important competitionon American Idol, or what kind of fast food they're going to have for dinner tonight,than they are about this kind of mind boggling stuff ! But John Q. Public needs to leave at leasta little bit of room for contemplating The Mystery !

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