Nude Science

This group is for scientific discussions among us. Surely some of us are interested in scientific happenings. This includes all scientific fields, from astrophysics to the social sciences.

Portuguese Man of War

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Now you weren't expecting that topic!
But, with a report this morning of someone having a serious run it with one of these beasts, I thought back to the time I had a fairly minor but very painful encounter with one myself.
I went to a nearby diving outfit for a sit down and a bit of sympathy, and the divemaster there gave me a very rational explanation for the asymmetry of the floating bell, which I had never heard before: the asymmetry makes the organism take a curved path under the influence of wind, either veering to the left or to the right. The two forms therefore move in different ways in the open ocean, occupy more area and compete less.
Before someone jumps up and says that makes them separate species because they have evolved into two forms with very limited opportunities to co-exist, can I suggest you check out what sort of organism the Portuguese Man of War really is?
Since this is Nude Science, I think it necessary to say that I was not nude when I was stung, which was probably a very good thing. The exposed bit of my breasts got the worst of it, but for once I was very glad that my hairless pubis was well covered and out of harm's way!

I have been more cautious about nude snorkeling ever since that encounter!

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