Nude Standup Paddleboarding

Hello. This Group is for people who are into SUP and particularly enjoy it without clothing. There is no better way to enjoy the water while getting a good workout and an allover tan at the same time. I would love to meet others who enjoy this or would like to discuss more. please join if interested.

Got a paddleboard this summer an got out on the water a couple times. Lots of fun but boy its hard work balancing and paddling.

Only been on quiet body of water eager here about other naked SUP folks experiences.

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RE:First time SUP

Do you paddle board nude?

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RE:First time SUP

Do you paddle board nude?

I will at a beach this summer. I got my board at the end of the season, so didn't have the chance to try it nude last year.

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RE:First time SUP

I do when i can get away with it. Can do during the week when i have a day off when its typically quieter. can be alot of sailboat traffic at times but if some get too close, i jump in the lake for a bit. It is quite liberating though when able to. Great way to get sun and exercise at the same time

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RE:First time SUP

Took my board to the beach today.

Definitely harder to paddle when there are actual waves XD

Pretty happy with how I managed, though eventually the wind picked up and I couldn't stay up.

Should be taking a lesson in a few weeks.

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RE:First time SUP

Had a good first summer paddling.
Next year I might get myself a drysuit so I can keep going into the cooler months.

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RE:First time SUP

Do you paddle board nude?

Yes yes I do would not prefer it clothed.

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RE:First time SUP

Took my board to the beach today.Definitely harder to paddle when there are actual waves XD.

Thats why I stick to quiet water. Should look into a lesson myself

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RE:First time SUP

Just ordered an electric pump.

Is used to sit on my car's bumper while manually pumping, but I dislodged it a bit.
Standing to pump is way less comfortable.

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