Nude Standup Paddleboarding

Hello. This Group is for people who are into SUP and particularly enjoy it without clothing. There is no better way to enjoy the water while getting a good workout and an allover tan at the same time. I would love to meet others who enjoy this or would like to discuss more. please join if interested.

Ok who has paddled Lake Powell naked? How was the experience?

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RE:Lake Powell

I haven't paddled naked but I have boated, wakeboarded, and camped naked on Lake Powell

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RE:Lake Powell

hey bare. i havent been out on lake powell. looks like a great body of water to SUP nude though. Have you been out there?

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RE:Lake Powell

I haven't been out there in awhile. Low water levels kept me away last summer. It's an amazing place. The problem with fiberglass paddleboards is they will delaminate in the extreme heat. So inflatables are the way to go there!

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RE:Lake Powell

Interesting, did not know that. Powell is amazing but have not been with water so low, we did get a start on replenishing this winters run off. Great place to hang naked.

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